塔利古德温 Tali Goodwin,塔罗牌畅销书一等奖获得者,类诺曼获奖书作者, 塔罗协会Tarosophy副主席,一位非常有天赋的研究学者,她是大英博物馆第二副A. E. Waite塔罗牌的发现者。基于她对原始的“希望游戏”纸牌的研究,类诺曼卡重新复兴。她的著有许多书,包括“塔罗78天”,“史密斯·伟特塔罗牌的奥秘”,“如何学习类诺曼卡”,“守护圣堂”等30多本。她在史密斯·伟特塔罗牌的研究工作中第一次揭示了本世纪一个全新看待世界上最受欢迎的伟特塔罗牌的方式,研究发现的材料包括了有关帕米拉·科尔曼史密斯的一些生活照片和信息。Tali组织举办了全球性的塔罗牌大会,教学遍布美国,欧洲,巴西,澳大利亚以及新加坡。她和她的伴侣,顶级占星师Lyn Birkbeck居住在英格兰湖区,并且还养了一只成长飞速的小狗Roo. TALI GOODWIN
Tali Goodwin is the author of #1 top-selling and award-winning books on Tarot and Lenormand and co-Director of the Tarosophy Tarot Association. A gifted researcher, she is credited with the re-discovery of A. E. Waite’s second Tarot set from the British Museum, and the revival of Lenormand based on her research on the original Game of Hope deck. Her many books include ‘Around the Tarot in 78 Days’, ‘Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot’, ‘Learning Lenormand’, ‘Abiding in the Sanctuary’ and 30 other books. Her research work on the Waite-Smith Tarot revealed a totally new way of seeing the world’s most popular tarot for the first time in a century, including new information and photographs of the life of Pamela Colman Smith. Tali organises the worldwide TarotCon tarot conventions and has taught across America, Europe, Brazil, Australia and Singapore. She lives in the Lake District of England with her partner, leading Astrologer Lyn Birkbeck, and their rapidly-growing puppy, Roo.