2014-10-22 Physic: Page of Cups - Mind: The Star - Spirit: The Sun + What a wonderful day with so many surprise. Effective work with partners, acquaintance with new friends, gift from good friends and biscuits made by Chiann. Actually, I really really appreciate everything happened in my life. Thank you all guys very very much. I see the page and nude woman are communicating with waters, which makes me feel the peaceful emotion and moved. Then I see the successful ending in the sun. Colors from white to blue to red and gold. The blank one feel moved and then get the positive energy from people around you. The energy even emit by yourself because of your charming to infect people. 17, 19 just two numbers. 1+7=8; 1+9=10. So actually I can get 4 numbers. These numbers shows the capacity to hold the thing and the happy ending. The page is so naïve that he just feels the positive things in the world. Then he comes to the star. He starts to imagine grand blueprint, or it has been done already. He begins to do the things, then he succeeds. I can feel that page just uses his naïve eyes to see this world, so he just focuses on the positive part. Then in the star. I get the idea of thinking, then come up with something. Even though it’s an ideal plan, actually we don’t meet our ideal numbers of participants. However, we still proceed the activities smoothly, and everyone enjoys it. That’s the best rewards for us. And our activities full of positive things, that’s what the page finds. My physic tells me: Relax and enjoy life. Find the positive things around you, and you will be happier. My mind tells me: Don’t afraid your dream is too big. Try, though you can thoroughly achieve it, you can still on the track and perform it very well. My spirit tells me: Enjoy your success. And save the energy you get in order to face another challenges. 回复 20# sybille1709 相互影响的吧,毕竟两者密不可分。 回复 21# 柏拉图的永恒 赞同。我是一肚子饿就心情不好。 ![]() 2014-10-23 Physic: 8 of Wands + Mind: 7 of Swords – Spirit: 2 of Pentacles – Till now, one neutral news I don’t know whether it’s good or not, I just need some information and make the most suitable choice. Short circuit of my mind, it’s a kind of feeling that I can’t think anything. The main role in these spread are utensils not human beings. There are too many wands, swords and pentacles. Their colors are similar, yellow, orange or red, which means rational thinking and action. The only lack element is water. But the decision I need to make has the less effect by emotion. 8, 7, 2. The numbers are decreasing. The trend shows that, I tend to return to my mind, and will have a new start. I have too much idea and with the effect of 8 of wands, I will try my best to do. Life is full of challenges, which we need to have patient and perseverance to face. Don’t just have a brief period of enthusiasm, it’s time that need to make decision and keep holding on. Even though the situation is stable, I can still make development. Come up with some new idea. Find some opportunities. And be a better me. My physic tells me: Use your energy to do what you want. There are many things to do, try to focus and complete them effectively. My mind tells me: Once you make a decision, keep it. Don’t change it often, don’t hesitate. Trust yourself, and keep doing it. My spirit tells me: Don’t be afraid to change. You have the ability and opportunities to change. Do it. And you will see you can. 2014-10-24 Physic: 9 of swords – Mind: The Lover – Spirit: Queen of Cups – All cards are reversed. There are only two elements in the spread----wind and water. That shows the uncertainty of the situation. 9 and 6, they are upside down. Try to make some changes, then you will be different. Or it can also means the things are uncertain. 6 and 9 can make upside down to be another one easily. Main colors from dark blue to light blue. Things will be more and more promising and clear enough. The man in 9 of Swords feels scared and is trying to avoid nightmare which is imagined by himself. Because it is come from his mind, it’s hard for him to get rid of it. The lovers communicate with each other, but the reversed even stresses the seemingly communication between them. The queen of cups sits peacefully, staring her cup intently, which means she is concentrated on what she’s doing. However, the reversion also means the uncertainty of the present situation. Therefore, she needs to get more information about it. The fact is there, not change. And I just scare myself. I got seemingly information from others, but I just shake by hearing it. Don’t make decision easily unless collect enough information and know much enough about it. Don’t need to be afraid. You will never know unless you do. My physic tells me: Don’t trouble yourself too much. Take it easy. The hardest thing to get rid of it’s the nightmare made by yourself. My mind tells me: Stop hovering around the surface information. Try to know it deeply. My spirit tells me: The deficit information makes you uncertain. Then, try to know more to sure yourself. The last two wind elements tells you to be rational, then collect enough information to analyze and try to avoid emotion while you are making decision. |