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2022-4-2 17:34| 发布者: 汽车人| 查看: 486| 评论: 0

摘要: 作者:秦瑞生老师出处:迷占星 古典占星谘商室最近因为爱情关係而来的询问越来越高,再聪明有能力的都会男女,在爱情游戏里,总是有看不见的盲点。爱情中的尔虞我诈,全摊开在日光下就乏味了;但是彼此刻意隐藏心意 ...


出处:迷占星 古典占星谘商室



以下文章係节录翻译英国Skyscript古典占星网站站主Deborah Houlding之撰文:Horary Love Chart,滐@易懂,可以作为在爱情中困惑的您一个自行判断的参考。(中译文并非逐字翻译,係求全文字意贯通理解)

As usual, the querent is represented by the 1st house, its ruler and the Moon. Oppo site numbers of any kind (be they business or emotional, or whether the relationship is based on love or war), are shown by the 7th house and its ruler. Any planets in these houses should also be considered as co-significators, especially if located near the cusps. They often furnish important physical descriptions or represent notable characteristics.


Besides the main significators, Lilly tells us to consider the Sun as a general significator for the man and Venus as a general significator for the woman. Some texts, such as the 16th century work of Dariot, also advise using the planet from which the Moon has last separated as a co-significator for the querent and the planet to which she next applies as a co-significator for the quesited. Any friendly aspect or unfriendly connection between these two is then said to reflect upon the relationship of the lovers.


The 5th house - the 'joy' of Venus - is often called the house of 'love affairs' for it has a traditional association with pleasure, delight, love and gifts. Finding the Moon or a main significator in the 5th may suggest a heightened passion or pleasure in the relationship, but does not always bode well for long term commitments.


The main considerations in relationship questions are as follows:


A good aspect between ruler of the 1st house and ruler of the 7th shows a willingness to form a union. Application by trine or sextile is very promising, especially when there is reception between the planets. If there is no applying aspect between the two, translation or collection of light can achieve the same result and often symbolises the assistance of a third party (more so when the Moon is in the 10th house).


If the application or translation is by square or opposition with reception, a relationship is feasible but the situation is difficult and there will be obstacles to overcome. Without reception this kind of aspect seldom promises a good result.


An application from the Sun or Moon to Venus, if both are well placed and strong in essential dignities, indicates the relationship will develop.


The matter is most promising when the significators are in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), or in the dignities of Venus.


The 1st house ruler in the 7th suggests the querent is the more ardent of the two. Conversely, the 7th house ruler in the 1st shows the quesited to be most keen.


If the 7th ruler is located in the 7th house, the person asked about has little thought of the querent, especially if exalted or in its own sign.


The fastest moving planet usually indicates the fonder of the two - the one most inclined to develop the relationship.


No application, translation or collection - no relationship. Also, if the application is frustrated by the interception of another planet, or by one of the significators turning retrograde, the relationship will be broken off or hindered by a person or situation symbolised by the interposing planet.


Uranus is the natural significator of excitability, division, divorce and separation; Mars, disagreement, conflict and violence; Neptune, deceit, confusion and self-deception.


The Moon is the natural significator of wives; Venus sweethearts; Mars young men; Sun men of confidence; Saturn mature or older men - the 'father figure'.



