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Health Spread

2022-7-1 18:17| 发布者: 霸天虎| 查看: 2584| 评论: 0

摘要: 1. Should I worry about my health2. How do I overcome my fears?3. Will I ever be happy?4. Past feelings of guilt and resentment?5. Past feelings of depression or unhappiness?6. Past health problems?7. ...

1.    Should I worry about my health

2.    How do I overcome my fears?

3.    Will I ever be happy?

4.    Past feelings of guilt and resentment?

5.    Past feelings of depression or unhappiness?

6.    Past health problems?

7.    Do I need formal medical attention?

8.    Will my physical health affect my financial health?

9.    Will spiritual awareness aid in overcoming any health problem?

10.  Outcome?

(EXAMPLE -  Health Spread for Cory)<

Cards in the spread

Knight of Wands

3 of Pentacles


9 of Wands (Reversed)

Devil (Reversed)

High Priestess

8 of cups (Reversed)

Ace of cups (Reversed)

Queen of Wands (Reversed)


Question 1: Should I worry about my health?

Answer: Knights of Wands

Cory is receiving positive messages, particularly regarding work and social activities. His health is fine, there is nothing to worry about.

Q2: How do I overcome my fears?

A: 3 or Pentacles

This is the card of the master of craftsmen who makes money because he is good at what he does. Think about your worth when it comes to earning money and don’t be swayed. The number 3 refers to creative visualization, which can be used to overcome any problem or fear.

Q3: Will I ever be happy?

A: Judgment

It will be up to Cory to make himself happy. Awareness and understanding must be used, and being in touch with the inner self is important. As Cory put it, “Arise and come from the grave of ignorance”.

Q4: Past feelings of guilt and resentment?

A: 9 of Wands (Reversed)

Cory says he did not use wisdom through his experience at work and is now suing his boss for wrongful termination. The allegations have created some health problems for Cory, but nothing long-lasting. He did not protect himself at work with his employers, and there was a great deal of jealousy with the other staff. Cory had many steady customers who appreciated his dedication to service.

Q5: Past feelings of depression or unhappiness?

A: The Devil (Reversed)

Cory is not willing to chain himself to the devil for materialistic gain. Cory has been in spiritual work most of his life and when negative experiences happen he is shocked. He has become unhappy due to his character being maligned. Some of his friends have depressed him also. Crisis periods can relieve boredom and Cory needed a change whether he was aware of it or not.

Q6: Past health problems?

A: High Priestess

The High Priestess knows all about health and everything else. Cory has good health with no history of major illness. Because he believes in health as a natural outcome of life, he does not bring negative thoughts about health into his life.

Q7: Do I need formal medical attention?

A: 8 of cups (Reversed)

When Cory doesn’t have the strength to turn his back on an emotional situation, he takes an aspirin. He told me during the reading that he drinks lightly to combat an over-abundance of sensitive feelings. He is very open psychically and tends to “pick up” on other people’s thoughts. He claims that meditation helps him overcome negativity around him.

Q8: Will my physical health affect my financial health?

A: Ace of cups (Reversed)

This card shows an emotional drain and no new beginnings. Cory does not like inactivity! He will initiate new experiences, including financial ones, through his will. Being spiritually aware, Cory knows only “wellness” and is focused on this attitude.

Q9: Will spiritual awareness aid in over-coming any health problem?

A: Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Cory has a need for ego-recognition and wants attention. He is an Aquarian and this is a Leo card. (These signs are the opposites of each other). His spiritual understanding keeps him from going overboard in his desires and his attitude keeps his health problems to a minimum.

Q10: Outcome?

A: The Star

Cory must set new goals and “hitch his wagon to a star”. He should raise his expectations to create a healthy environment. There is a potential for new directions in Cory’s life.



If Cory continues his spiritual inclinations he will stay healthy. The trial is over and he won! He is going to school for retraining in a new direction!

