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狐月琛的个人空间 https://www.chinatarot.com/?40097 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 1709 次阅读2011-8-31 17:08 |个人分类:tarot

The Mystical Pentagram is a technique which will enhance psychic self-awareness.神秘的五芒星是一种技术,这将加强心理的自我意识。 Practiced on a daily basis it will produce surprising individual results.每天实行,就会产生令人惊讶的个别结果。 One of the features of this technique is that it encourages personal development by allowing each entity to discover a personal mantra which corresponds to the five elements.这项技术的特点之一是,它鼓励个人发展,让每一个实体,发现个人的口头禅,对应五行。

To begin, you will need a table of correspondences such as "777" by Aleister Crowley.首先,您将需要一个表的书信,如“777”Aleister克劳利。 Look up the names of the gods and goddesses which correspond to the air element.查找对应的空气元素神和女神的名字。 Pick a name which when chanted 'feels' right for you.挑选时高喊感觉适合你的名字。 For example, Nu is the Egyptian lord of the firmament and corresponds to air.例如,怒江是埃及主苍穹,对应于空气中。 If I were inclined towards egyptian deities, I would chant the name Nu for several minutes to see what effect transpired.如果我是倾向于对埃及的神,我想高唱几分钟名称怒江,看看有什么效果蒸发。 If I felt relaxed, comfortable, and generally positive I would inwardly know that this name would be in tune with my inner self.如果我感到轻松,舒适,一般是积极的,我心里会知道,这个名字就在我内心的自我调整。 Proceed to find correspondences for fire, water, and earth in the same manner and finally for spirit since it is the aggregate of the four common elements.继续以同样的方式,终于精神找到火,水,和地球的书信,因为它是四种常见的元素的总和。

Once you have found a personal mantra or a chant consisting of five names, vowel sounds, etc. You are ready to proceed with the practical application of the Mystical Pentagram.一旦你找到了一个个人的口头禅,或诵5名,元音组成等您准备进行实际应用中的神秘的五芒星。

Assume your favorite meditation position, relax and begin to breathe in a rhythmic pattern; ie.假设您最喜爱的冥想位置,放松,并开始在节奏模式,即呼吸。 inhale count one, two, three, four, exhale count one, two, three, four and so on.吸气算一个,两个,三个,四个,吐气算一个,两个,三个,四个等等。 Continue to breathe in such a manner for about five minutes so that a definite rhythm is firmly established.在这样一个约五分钟的方式,牢固树立这样一个明确的节奏是继续呼吸。

Visualize the five psychic centers.五个心理中心可视化。 Memorize their positions so that you become familiar with the positions.记住自己的位置,让你成为熟悉的位置。

Next visualize a brilliant white light forming a circle above your head in the spirit center.接下来看到一个辉煌的白光,形成了你的头以上的精神中心圆圈。 Mentally draw a white light pentagram within the circle of light.弱智光圆内绘制一个白色的光五角星。 This should be an invoking pentagram.这应该是一个调用五角星。

If your mind should begin to wander, gently bring it back and vocally vibrate the mantra you have chosen for the spirit center.如果你的头脑开始游荡,轻轻把它和声援震动您所选择的精神中心的口头禅。 Let your mind dwell on this center and intone your mantra several times for at least five minutes.让你的头脑纠缠于这个中心和吟诵至少五分钟,你的口头禅几次。

Next see a shaft of white light radiate down through your skull stopping at your throat near the adam's apple.接下来看到一个白色的光辐射,停在靠近喉咙的喉结​​通过你的头骨的轴。 See a circle of white light begin to form and pulsate.见一圈圈的白光开始形成和脉动。 Mentally draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light and vocally vibrate your chosen mantra for the air center.弱智光圆内绘制调用五角星和声援震动您选择空气中心的口头禅。 Continue to stimulate this center for at least five minutes.继续刺激至少五分钟,这个中心。

Now see a shaft of white light radiate down through your torso stopping at your fire center.现在可以看到一个白色的光辐射下通过你的身体停在消防中心轴。 This is located just above the navel.这是位于肚脐以上。 See a brilliant white light begin to pulsate at this center and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light.看到一个灿烂的白光开始跳动在这个中心和光圆内画一个调用五角星。 As your mind begins to wander gently guide it back to he image of the glowing white pentagram.至于你的头脑开始漫步,轻轻地引导它到他泛着白色五角星形象。 Here vibrate your chosen fire mantra.这里震动您选择的火口头禅。 Once this center is stimulated the sensation is unmistakable.一旦这个中心是刺激的感觉是明白无误的的。 A mild tingling or vibration of the solar-plexus area is physically experienced.身体经历了一个轻微的刺痛或振动的太阳神经丛区。 Continue to dwell on this center for at least five minutes.继续纠缠这个中心至少5分钟。

See the shaft of white light push down to the water center which is located in the groin area.见白光轴倒推到中心,这是位于腹股沟区的水。 Here, too, a brilliant circle of white light should be visualized.在这里,一个辉煌的白光循环应可视化。 Again draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light.再次提请援引光圆内五角星。 Intone the mantra for the water center and repeat the sound several times for the next five minutes.吟诵水中心的口头禅和重复多次为下一个五分钟的声音。

Having arrived thus far, see the shaft of white light radiate down through your legs stopping at the bottom of your feet which is the earth center.在抵达迄今为止,看到白色的光辐射下通过你的腿停在你的脚的底部是地球的中心轴。 Form a brilliant, white, pulsating circle of light and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle.形成辉煌,白,脉动的圆光,画的圆圈内调用五角星。 Intone your earth mantra and vocally vibrate the sound several times during the next five minutes.吟诵地球的口头禅,用声音振动的声音多次在未来五分钟。

When all of the energy centers have been stimulated, direct the light energy from the spirit center to the earth center.当所有的能量中心被激发,直接将光能的精神中心,地球的中心。 As you exhale see the light travel from the top of your head down through your body to the bottom of your feet.当你呼气时看到通过你的身体从头顶光旅行下来到你的脚的底部。 As you inhale see the energy travel from your feet up through your body up to the top of your head, the spirit center.吸气时看到的能源旅行从你的双脚穿过你的身体,你的头,顶部的精神中心。 These circulations should be persisted for at least seven complete circuits.这些环流应坚持至少七个完整的电路。 See the energy cleanse and vitalize every part of your being and expand your awareness to cosmic consciousness.请参阅清洁能源和振兴你存在的每一个部分,并扩大你的意识,宇宙意识。 As you continue to repeat this technique each day you will begin to see and feel a change in your psychic awareness and a marked improvement in your health.当你继续重复这种技术的每一天,你将开始看到和感受到在你的心灵意识的变化和显着改善您的健康。

Don't become discouraged if you don't achieve results immediately.不要灰心,如果你不立即取得成果。 This technique produces very positive effects but they are cumulative in nature.这种技术产生非常积极的作用,但它们在本质上是累积的。 Be gentle with your inner self however you must also be persistent and keep the communication open.与内心的自我温柔,但是你还必须是持久的,并保持开放的沟通。 It is also a good idea to perform this exercise at the same time each day in order to allow your body cycles incorporate the energy flow in a natural order.执行这个练习每天在同一时间,为了让你的身体周期纳入自然秩序的能量流,这也是一个好主意。


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