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From the Granite Mountains through Karen Danrich "Mila"

疗愈和提升的矿石项链来自花岗岩山脉,透过Karen Danrich “Mila”传递

HEALING GRUDGESAND WOUNDS OF THE PASTLearning to ForgiveAssists in integrating the forgiveness and compassion tones of the language of light

疗愈过去的怨恨与伤痛学会宽恕协助整合光之语的宽恕与同情音调String together the following minerals adding a larger piece of rose quartz wire wrapped in silver and hung upon the necklace of beads. Rose quartz supports the learning of the dance of unity where forgiveness is the foundation of life. The beads can be spherical or chips or faceted in nature as long as they are not dyed. Note: You can also procure small pieces of the following to add to your synthesis alter and also receive the associated benefit.编串起以下矿石,加上一块较大的银镶玫瑰晶挂在项链底部。玫瑰晶支持学习联合的舞蹈,其中宽恕是生命的基石。矿石珠可以是球形或小块或多面体的,只要没有染色。注:你也可以将下面的小块加入到你的合成小圣坛,也可获得同样益处。

疗愈过去的怨恨与伤痛学会宽恕协助整合光之语的宽恕与同情音调String together the following minerals adding a larger piece of rose quartz wire wrapped in silver and hung upon the necklace of beads. Rose quartz supports the learning of the dance of unity where forgiveness is the foundation of life. The beads can be spherical or chips or faceted in nature as long as they are not dyed. Note: You can also procure small pieces of the following to add to your synthesis alter and also receive the associated benefit.编串起以下矿石,加上一块较大的银镶玫瑰晶挂在项链底部。玫瑰晶支持学习联合的舞蹈,其中宽恕是生命的基石。矿石珠可以是球形或小块或多面体的,只要没有染色。注:你也可以将下面的小块加入到你的合成小圣坛,也可获得同样益处。

Rose Quartz for unity movement of energy玫瑰晶:能量的联合运动

Rodocroshite for forgiveness of the past红纹石:对过去的宽恕

Adventurine for compassion of self and others砂金石:对自我和他人的同情

Chrysocolla for peace of mind硅孔雀石:头脑的安宁

Aquamarine for stealth and continued evolution海蓝宝石:秘密行动与持续提升Silver Beads for the silver tone of the language of one银珠:全一之语的银音调Pink Pearls and Pink Mother of Pearl for fluidity associated with the water element粉色珍珠和珍珠粉色之母:与水元素有关的流动

Creating a Healthy Crystalline StructureAssists in integrating the structure and non-conditional love tones of the language of light疗愈生物体疾病创造健康的水晶结构协助整合光之语的结构和无条件爱之音调String together the following minerals adding a larger piece of amethyst quartz wire wrapped and hung upon the necklace of beads. Amethyst assists in learning the frequencies necessary for the transcendence of karma. Disease is the result of karma and as the karma is released, recovery then becomes possible. The beads can be spherical or chips or faceted in nature as long as they are not dyed. Note: You can also procure small pieces of the following to add to your synthesis alter and also receive the associated benefit.编串起以下矿石,在项链底部添上一块金属镶制的较大紫水晶。紫水晶协助学习业力超越所必须的频率。疾病是业力的结果,当业力释放,有就可能痊愈。矿石珠可以是球形或小块或多面体的,只要没有染色。注:你也可以将下面的小块加入到你的合成小圣坛,也可获得同样益处。

Amethyst for structure or rotational energy flow as well as transmutation紫水晶:结构或旋转能量流及转化

Clear Quartz for fluidity in the dance of life白晶(即透明水晶):生命之舞的流畅

Moonstone for jurisdiction or boundaries月亮石:权限或边界

Hematite for non-conditional love赤铁矿:无条件爱

Titaniumfor honesty or perceiving down to the truth of the unconscious harmful dance钛:诚实或传递无意识有害舞蹈的真相

Turquoise for grounding unto Earth绿松石(土耳其玉):锚定大地
White Pearls or White Mother of Pearl for the connection to the water element to wash away the grief白珍珠或珍珠白色之母:和水元素联系来冲刷走痛苦
Learning to Live in the Light Earth DreamAssists in integrating the divine union and freedom tones of the language of light疗愈对地球的联系学会生活在光明地球梦想中协助整合光之语的神性联盟和自由音调String together the following minerals adding a larger piece of citrine wire wrapped and hung upon the necklace of beads. Citrine assists in clearing the attachments associated with the dark earth dream so that one may enter a new dream that supports ascension. The beads can be spherical or chips or faceted in nature as long as they are not dyed. Note: You can also procure small pieces of the following to add to your synthesis alter and also receive the associated benefit.编串起以下矿石,在项链底部添上一块镶制的较大黄水晶。黄水晶协助清除与黑暗地球梦想有关的连接,让你可以进入一个支持提升的新梦想。矿石珠可以是球形或小块或多面体的,只要没有染色。注:你也可以将下面的小块加入到你的合成小圣坛,也可获得同样益处。

Citrine For freedom to dance in the light earth dream黄水晶:自由在光明地球梦想中舞蹈

Visuvianite for divine union between body earth and soul符山石(即维苏威石):肉体、地球和灵魂间的神性联盟

Topaz for abundance in the dance of life黄晶(即黄玉):生命舞蹈中的丰饶

Safire for communion with light earth蓝宝石:与光明地球对话

Celestite for the connection to the underwater worlds and communion with the sea天青石:和水下世界的联系,以及与大海对话Black Pearls or Black Mother of Pearlfor the connection to the void from where one weaves one’s dreams黑珍珠或珍珠黑色之母:与编织梦想之虚空联系

Completing with the PastAssists in integrating the power and breath of life tonesof the language of light
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