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It seems important that you shouldunderstand my motive. To me this Work on the Tarot is an Encyclopedia of allserious “occult” philosophy. It is a standard Book of Reference, which willdetermine the entire course of mystical and magical thought for the next 2000years. My one anxiety is that it should be saved from danger of destruction, bybeing reproduced in permanent form, and distributed in as many distant placesas may be. I am not anxious to profit financially; if I had the capitalavailable in this country, I should send (say) 200 copies to State Libraries inall parts of the world, and as many more to my principal representatives.
--Aleister Crowley to Mr.Pearson, Photoengraver, May 29, 1942
Every year since 1969, when the first coloredition appeared in bookstores and specialty shops worldwide, Aleister Crowley’sThoth Tarot has remained one of the best-selling tarot decks in the world. Thisis not surprising. In my opinion, it is quite simply the most stunninglybeautiful deck of tarot cards ever created. It took the artiest, the immenselytalented Frieda Harris, over five years (1938-1943) to complete theseventy-eight surrealistic masterpieces.
Today, the images remain as hauntingly evocative as when they were first exhibited.The popularity of the cards, however, shines in bright contrast to the blackreputation of the man who designed them and who relentlessly dictated everyaspect of their execution – a man maligned during his lifetime as a blackmagician, and branded by the press “the wickedest man in the world.”
Paradoxes seem to define the life and career of Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley. Yes,in many ways he was a scoundrel. There is no doubt that he wallowed shamelesslyin his carefully cultivated persona as England’s literary and spiritualbad-boy. At the same time, he took life and himself very seriously. Among otherdistinctions, he was a world-class mountaineer, chess master, painter, poet,sportsman, novelist, critic, and theatrical producer. He introduced America toastrology, Isadora Duncan to the I Ching,and the poet victor Neuberg to hiking and high magick. As an agent provocateur writing for anEnglish-language German propaganda newspaper in New York, he penned theoutrageous and inflammatory editorials that provoked a reluctant United StatesCongress to enter World War I on England’s side.
During World War II, at the request of friend and Naval Intelligence officer IanFleming, Crowley provided Winston Churchill with valuable insights into the superstitionsand magical mind-set of the leaders of the Third Reich. He also suggested tothe prime minister, if reports can be believed, that he exploited the enemy’smagical paranoia by being photographed as much as possible giving thetwo-fingered “V-for-Victory” gesture. This sign is the manual version of themagical sign of Apophis-Typhon, a powerful symbol of destruction andannihilation which, according to magical tradition, is capable of defeating thesolar energies represented by the swastika.
Astonishingly,Crowley’s adventures and achievements – more than any dozen men of ambition andgenius could realistically hope to garner in a lifetime – seem almost to bedistractions when weighed against his monumental exploits of self-discovery.His visionary writings and his efforts to synthesize and integrate the esotericspiritual systems of East and West make him one of the most fascinating culturaland religious figures of the twentieth century.
Even though his highly esoteric (and often ponderous) writings today enjoy a levelof readership and appreciation never approached during his lifetime, the numberof aspirants willing to take up serious study of his Scientific Illuminismremains relatively small. For those daring and tenacious students, his ThothTarot becomes the cornerstone of their study – a priceless and indispensabletreasure. It is nothing less than a full-color visual textbook of the wisdom ofthe ages – a living talisman that distills, in breathtaking pageantry, theessence of the spiritual education and insights of a modern master of theancient mysteries. Is it any wonder that such a rare and radiant magical deviceshould cast an irresistible spell upon nearly everyone with whom it comes incontract? For me, the answer is obvious. However, I think it is also fair toask if it is possible for someone to use and enjoy the Thoth Tarot, even ifthey have absolutely no interest in Crowley or the Qabalistic, astrological,and magical aspects of the cards.
My answer is an unequivocal “Yes!” The Thoth Tarot happens to be the preferreddeck of thousands of tarot collectors, students, and amateur and professionalreaders all over the world. Most with whom I have spoken tell me they choosethe deck because of its haunting beauty and its efficacy as a divinatory tool.Those who know something about Crowley and his work are usually polarized intheir opinions, but even those who consider him a perfectly dreadful individualstill maintain a healthy admiration for the cards. I was once assailed by avenerable tarot reader who voiced the opinion shared by many professionalreaders and fans of the Thoth Tarot: “I don’t care who Aleister Crowley was,and I don’t believe in his magick. I just know those damned cards and they work!”
While it is undoubtedly true that only a small percentage of owners and users of theThoth Tarot will ever fully appreciate the esoteric value of the cards, it isalso abundantly clear to me that there are a great many people who wouldsincerely like to know more about them. If you find yourself in this group ofseekers, this book is for you.
In recent years, several fine books have been published that use the Thoth Tarotas illustrations. By and large, these books pay respectful attention to themore obvious features of the cards. They are good tarot books in their ownright, but they do not, in my opinion, deal satisfactorily with the profoundconcepts and revelations that make the Thoth Tarot so unique and important.There is, however, one book that does. It is a magnificent work written by theonly person truly qualified to comment authoritatively on the cards. Thesingular shortcoming of this magnum opus,however, is not that it doesn’t tell us enough – but that it tries to tells useverything.
Toward the end of his life, Crowley (writing as The Master Therion) wrote one of hisgreatest works, The Book of Thoth – A ShortEssay on the Tarot of the Egyptiants.He intended it as an “elementary treatise” on tarot in general and the ThothTarot in particular. As anyone who has read it, or attempted to read it, willtell you, it is anything but elementary. In fact, unless one is alreadyextremely knowledgeable in the fields of mythology, philosophy, and religion,unless one is thoroughly steeped in the doctrines of the Hebrew Qabalah, unlessone is intimately familiar with the immense body of magical and visionary workthat occupied Crowley for nearly fifty years, unless one if fluent in thecomplex and enigmatic nomenclature these visions spawned, The Book of Thoth is most definitely not a user-friendly expositionof the Thoth Tarot.
This is not to say that the uninitiated cannot benefit from reading it. On thecontrary, there is much in the text that is immediately comprehensible, indeed,profoundly inspirational. Nevertheless, if it is the reader’s desire to gainsome practical information about the Thoth Tarot quickly, he or she will mostlikely not read past the seventh paragraph:
One important interpretation of Tarot is that it is a Notariqon ofthe Hebrew Torah, the Law; also of ThROA, the Gate. Now, by the Yetziraticattributions – see table at end – this word may be read The Universe – the new-bornSun – Zero. This is the true Magical Doctrine of Thelema: Zero equals Two.Also, by Gematria, the numerical value of ThROA is 671 = 61 x 11. Now 61 isAIN, Nothing or Zero; and 11 is the number of Magical Expansion; in this wayalso, therefore, ThROA announces that same dogma, the only satisfactoryphilosophical explanation of the Cosmos, its origin, mode, and object.
Please do not think that I am deridingthe content of the above statement. It is remarkably lucid and perfectlyCrowley. I understand it (to a degree) and, given enough time (with breaks formeals), could explain it to any reasonably intelligent person. However, when Ifirst read it nearly thirty years ago, it made absolutely no sense to me. Iknew nothing about Qabalistic world subdivisions, Enochian Aethyrs, or magicalsocieties. I couldn’t get through one page of The Book of Thoth without encountering references to things I knewnothing about and reference books I did not possess.
Lady Harris was equally overwhelmed,and voiced her frustration in a January 1939 letter to Crowley:
In reference toyour books – I suppose you know that most of them would be easier for abeginner written in Sanscrit and that anyone reading them would go off theirheads. Therefore the wise (like myself) take them in snappy bits and only whenthey are feeling strong.
So it is with much of The Bookof Thoth. It is a masterpiece without equal, and the perfect companion tothe Thoth Tarot. While the latter can be appreciated the moment the cards aretaken out of the box, however, the former demands a significant investment oftime and study.
It would be many years before Irealized that, had I known only just a little bit about the magical lift ofAleister Crowley, just a little bit about his revolutionary spiritualworld-view and prophetic visions, just a little bit about astrology, just alittle bit about the Qabalah, just a little bit about alchemy, just a littlebit about the Golden Dawn and the Tree of Life, then The Book of Thoth and the Thoth Tarot cards would soon have yieldedmany of their most important mysteries. What I needed was another book – a bookthat might have been titled Little Bits of Things You Should Know beforeBeginning Yours Study of Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot.
Unfortunatelyfor me, no such book existed at the time. Hopefully, one does now. |