The Significator.This card represents the querent and should be chosen from amongst the Kings, Queens, Knights, or Pages.1. Aims or Ideals.This card represents what the querent would like to achieve.2 ...
1. The Past.This card tells about the past and how it relates to the question.2. The Present.This card will tell about the present; this defines the present situation as it relates to the question.3. ...
General Spread 1Card 1.this is the past.Card 2.this is the present.Card 3.this is the future.This is a good reading for anyone who just wants something general about their life.General Spread 2Cards 1 ...
1. The Past.This card represents past events that are affecting the queston or situation the querent is asking about.2. The Immediate Present.Pretty self-explanatory; this card will tell you more abou ...
The SignificatorThis is the card chosen to represent the querent. It is almost always a face card, and should be chosen with the querent's personality and attributes in mind. (Usually the querent them ...
This deck usually represents financial matters, or anything in a material sense.Ace of PentaclesNew ventures in financial matters; could mean a new start in money matters. Reversed: Hard times financi ...
This suit generally represents anything forceful -- arguments, going after something, etc.Ace of SwordsThe strong beginnings of something; going after something new with gusto. Reversed: Not choosing ...
This suit is usually associated with emotions and matters of the heart.Ace of CupsThe beginnings of a relationship; new romances. Reversed: Telling the querent to get out and meet people.2 of CupsA un ...
This suit is generally associated with spirituality and personal growth.Ace of WandsGenerally means the beginnings of personal growth; a new beginning for someone. Reversed: Stagnation; boredom with o ...
0 - The FoolLooking before you are leaping; not paying attention. Also can mean having not a care in the world; being free from any constraints. In the decks that I have seen, there is a dog tugging a ...
1. Where did the Tarot come from?No one is really sure where the Tarot originated. See A Brief History of the Tarot for more.2. How many Tarot decks are there?There are probably about 100 decks or so ...
The exact origin of the tarot is not known, but it is thought that they originated from somewhere around India and were brought to Europe with the Gypsies. The earliest known deck seems to have appear ...
作者: (Lin) 看板: Tarot??: 塔?牌的解牌要???: Mon Oct 27 22:18:36 1997Tips on Reading the Tarot解?tarot牌的??Meanings of the Cards牌的含?There are general guidelines about t ...
0愚人 the fool1 魔术师the magician 2 女祭司 the high priestess3 皇后 the mepress4 皇帝the emperor5 教皇the hierophant6 恋人the lovers7 战车the chariot8 力量strength9 隐士the hermit10命运之轮 the w ...