
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller金牛座2010年2月运势

3 8709

February Horoscope for Taurus

Welcome to one of the most dazzling months of 2010, dear Taurus! You have been working hard, and now February brings a new and very different influence, one that will bring you more fun, love, and a richer personal life. That's not to say you will have to put your career on hold - not at all. As a matter of fact, this month you will have your cake and eat it, too. In this glorious month, there are cosmic goodies in many areas! What a month, dear Taurus!

As February begins, you may have just made a decision or action involving your home or other property. You may have moved house or have been fixing up your present home or other property. A decision about a roommate may have been madoin the Sun - sure to touch your heart.

While this weekend, February 27-28, will be a dream for love, it will be equally strong for making new friends and bonding with ones you already have. One way or another, on this luckiest weekend of the year, you should be humming a happy tune. Not only will Jupiter conjoin the Sun, but also the full moon will occur then, too, and shower you with vibrant beams. You may take a trip with the one you love at this time, a great idea, or you may stay home - either way, you'd have fun.

As you see, you may be celebrating Valentine's Day all month! If you have no one to date, you could easily meet someone new at the full moon February 28 plus two weeks, or, if you are attached, you may accept a marriage proposal. If you are married, you may be celebrating a pregnancy (now or soon)!

What a month! It's due to be very warm and exciting! Home, family, career and lots of developments in love, all are due. What more can you ask? It's a five star month!

Important Dates for Taurus:

Home and family projects crystallized at the full moon January 30, and as you begin February, you may be dealing with decisions and actions taken.

You will have more, and better, opportunities to advance your home situation from March 10 to June 7.

In the meantime, look for a stroke of home / property / family luck over February 27-28.

Be ready to advance your career at the new moon, February 13 plus two weeks. It's the best of the year. If you are expected to come up with ideas or develop others' ideas, you're in luck - doubly fortunate.

Love will be sensational this month, all month. Your best days will be February 6-7, 14, 16, 20, and 27-28. All these days will be worthy of many gold stars.

This is no ordinary month for love, and all Taurus, of all marital status, will benefit. You may travel during February's last weekend, a fabulous idea, for love and travel will be powerfully linked.

You are in a wonder month, dear Taurus, with lots of progress, lucky breaks, and romance due to spice your life. You've needed a month like this for a long time, and now it's here! The planets have dramatically changed positions over the past month, and you will see a much breezier, lighter mood as a result!

As you enter February, you may be thinking about home, a family situation, or a real estate project. The full moon of January 30 brought things to fullness, and perhaps you took action. If so, it looks as though you'll have more to do, because the emphasis on your private life, home, and family will continue to bring headline news in your life until early June. In truth, things will actually get even better after Mars goes direct on March 10.

Indeed, the months from March through May will be pivotal for home and property breaks. If you moved or wrapped up a renovation at the full moon on or near January 30, good, but it looks like you have more to do. And if you came close to a deal, say, to sell your house or find suitable tenants or roommate, but could not clench it in the end, then stay optimistic. You will in the coming months. Starting March 10, you'll get a second chance to crystallize that aim.

In truth you will get one very special chance to do so now, on February 27-28, an aspect so big that it can override Mars being retrograde. Expect lucky developments in regard to home, family, other property, or in regard to people who help you with your home or share your space.

Your career will get a big boost at the new moon, February 13, plus two weeks, a trend you probably won't feel until the workweek begins, February 15. If you are paid for your ideas, this new moon will be conjunct visionary Neptune, in the progressive sign of Aquarius. This means you will get a double dip of luck if you work in the arts or work in new technology, for Aquarius is associated with the digital future. If you have ideas you've hesitated showing others, you must present them now, just after the new moon, February 13! You will be hailed as a rock star!

Romantically, you have several fun days in store. First, the weekend of February 6-7 will be quite wonderful. Mercury, the ruler of your house of true love, will reach out to Uranus, always a sign that a thunderbolt of good news is on the way. You may get an exciting text message or phone call. On top of that, Venus, your ruler, and planet of love, will send a kiss to Neptune, sure to bring shimmering glamour. That'll be a red-letter weekend for you, for sure!

The following weekend will bring Valentine's Day, and Venus will contact Jupiter just two days later, February 16. You will begin to feel the sparkle of this meeting of these two gorgeous planets two days earlier, as this energy continues to grow. Valentine's Day may be a banner day for you when it comes to romance. If you don't have someone, you may be invited to a very elegant Valentine's Day party and love every minute of it!

When it comes to friends, you will be very fortunate indeed, as your friends will single you out for tender loving care. They will recommend you and offer you help on just about any level. One of your favorite days for romance and love will come over the weekend of February 27-28, when Jupiter will conjouse of true love, will reach out to Uranus, always a sign that a thunderbolt of good news is on the way. You may get an exciting text message or phone call. On top of that, Venus, your ruler, and planet of love, will send a kiss to Neptune, sure to bring shimmering glamour. That'll be a red-letter weekend for you, for sure!

The following weekend will bring Valentine's Day, and Venus will contact Jupiter just two days later, February 16. You will begin to feel the sparkle of this meeting of these two gorgeous planets two days earlier, as this energy continues to grow. Valentine's Day may be a banner day for you when it comes to romance. If you don't have someone, you may be invited to a very elegant Valentine's Day party and love every minute of it!

When it comes to friends, you will be very fortunate indeed, as your friends will single you out for tender loving care. They will recommend you and offer you help on just about any level. One of your favorite days for romance and love will come over the weekend of February 27-28, when Jupiter will conjoin the Sun - sure to touch your heart.

While this weekend, February 27-28, will be a dream for love, it will be equally strong for making new friends and bonding with ones you already have. One way or another, on this luckiest weekend of the year, you should be humming a happy tune. Not only will Jupiter conjoin the Sun, but also the full moon will occur then, too, and shower you with vibrant beams. You may take a trip with the one you love at this time, a great idea, or you may stay home - either way, you'd have fun.

As you see, you may be celebrating Valentine's Day all month! If you have no one to date, you could easily meet someone new at the full moon February 28 plus two weeks, or, if you are attached, you may accept a marriage proposal. If you are married, you may be celebrating a pregnancy (now or soon)!

What a month! It's due to be very warm and exciting! Home, family, career and lots of developments in love, all are due. What more can you ask? It's a five star month!

Important Dates for Taurus:

Home and family projects crystallized at the full moon January 30, and as you begin February, you may be dealing with decisions and actions taken.

You will have more, and better, opportunities to advance your home situation from March 10 to June 7.

In the meantime, look for a stroke of home / property / family luck over February 27-28.

Be ready to advance your career at the new moon, February 13 plus two weeks. It's the best of the year. If you are expected to come up with ideas or develop others' ideas, you're in luck - doubly fortunate.

Love will be sensational this month, all month. Your best days will be February 6-7, 14, 16, 20, and 27-28. All these days will be worthy of many gold stars.

This is no ordinary month for love, and all Taurus, of all marital status, will benefit. You may travel during February's last weekend, a fabulous idea, for love and travel will be powerfully linked.
发表于 2010-2-2 09:43:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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  如果说2009年是你事业上最眼花缭乱的一年,那么2月将是关键的一个月份,关键是当所有的事情开始发生转变并且你的成功之路即将打开。看清楚每件事都是怎么打开局面的。你的星盘显示出每件事情的到来从一开始看起来是糟糕的却在一眨眼的工夫扭转漂亮了。我不是说那些事情绝对的不幸,但是如果不幸发生 – 或许已经在2008年最后一个月发生过一些不幸 – 要知道宇宙的摇篮有些时候又提供你一些好处。通常那些上天的赠品别无选择。
  有些行星起到了正面推动的作用,上个月26日的日食给你带来了这一年里热闹的开始。在工作中你将站在刀刃上了,你肩负着开拓者的角色。很清楚你将进入一个新领域-你从未进入的世界。通常冒险和金牛不沾边,但是这个月,跳进新领域不会让你们担忧 –事实上,这正是让你们在工作中感到兴奋的。
  你的新工作将涉及新技术、新的软件、互联网、通讯或者新媒体。它将涉及图片、音乐、电影或者电视,但是如果是的话,这都是很新潮的领域,或许是很抢手的职业。或许它将你带入一个新的“绿色产业” – 这看起来很有可能。你将可能选择富有人道主义的工作,不是纯粹微为了赢利,或者是慈善事业,或者你的新工作涉及社会服务。这些都是对你来说幸运的领域,因为这些领域都被水瓶座统治着,现在水瓶座宫里有火星、木星、太阳、海王星并且稍候,水星也来了,他们在这个月汇聚一堂将给你带来贯穿一整年的祝福。
  However, soon you may hit on an idea to harness new technology to better catalog the valuable items that your firm collects, houses, and eventually sells at auction for clients, and this is only one of many possible examples. You may improve on the way potential bidders based in other countries can bid in real time on the items you have for sale, also using new technology. Or, you may suggest to your board of directors that you hold a special auction to benefit a charity or community project in your city. You see how this could work out. (这段就是讲如何运用新领域在旧有领域里发挥作用的实例,我就懒得翻了,我接着翻下边的运势啦~)
  精力充沛的火星(活力之星) 与木星(幸福好运之星)相合于水瓶座,你象是泰然自若得迈出你未来10年职业生涯的重要一步。事实上,它发生于这个月-12日到17日将有好消息到来。现在所做的决定将影响你未来十年甚至更久-甚至是一生的改变!
发表于 2010-2-2 10:01:42 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2010-2-2 10:01:51 | 只看该作者

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  在你的生活里朋友将扮演着很多重要角色: 2月24日-3月1日。你可能结交新朋友,或者会朋友一个非常值得交往的朋友。
  加入新的团体: 2月的最后一周。
  最浪漫的日子: 2月16日, 17日, 18日, 22日, 和2月28日-3月1日.
发表于 2010-2-2 10:01:55 | 只看该作者

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