
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2010年4月运势

3 8409
Aries Horoscope for April 2010

By Susan Miller

As you begin April, you will be coming off a particularly stressful full moon in your relationship sector. That moon put the control in the hands of a partner or competitor, not you. If you felt at a disadvantage, you probably were not dreaming. A relationship may have upset or disappointed you, and it may have left you wondering what to do next. Those born in March were most affected by this full moon that appeared March 29 (but that is still strong for the first days of April). If you are an April-born Aries, you may have had an easier time.

Of course, there is always the possibility that you would have had a positive experience, despite the heavy presence of Saturn at the full moon, March 29. Things were reaching a culmination, so you may have gotten engaged or married or signed a business partner or associate.

As you begin April, either way, you will probably be ready for a rest. Mars is still in Leo and is now moving much more quickly than it was in March, a positive development for fun and love. By May, Mars will move even faster, so May should be one of your best months of the year. (November will be special, too.)

A quick-moving planet is a beneficial one, for it is more potent and more able to help you get what you want. Knowing that, you see that April will be positive! Although everyone of every sign will enjoy having a strong-moving Mars, you will be among those most able to benefit - as an Aries, your ruler is Mars. Right now, Mars is moving through your creativity house, helping you reach new heights of self-expression.

This same area of your chart that Mars is lighting rules love and romance, so your chances of meeting someone new and interesting have truly never been better. The combination of Mars in Leo and the Sun in Aries this birthday month will make it sparkle brightly and heighten your allure even more.

Saturn is now retrograde, and this month, as it slides out of Libra and into Virgo on April 7, its new position may help your relationship. You may be able to find solutions if things have been tough. Aries born March 20-23 are the ones feeling the direct rays of this planet. If lately you've found someone close (or a number of people) unusually hard to get along with, you can blame Saturn opposition your Sun. Now Saturn will retreat into Virgo on April 7, and you should feel tensions simmer down. If you need to find a fix, do so from April 7 to July 21, the time Saturn will spend OUT of your relationship house.

Overall, when it comes to a close relationship, you are in the process of learning about give and take necessary in a close relationship. The problems that surface early in any relationship are always the ones that are unlikely to change, now or ever. Hopefully those are the ones you will find not too difficult to accommodate, for as said, they will remain as a fixture of your relationship. Every relationship has a number of "givens" - you may be just finding out what those are now.

You may also be learning when it's better to leave than wait for better days if you have been unhappy a long time. Don't cling to a bad relationship because you fear being alone. With Jupiter moving closer to Aries, to stay from June to early September (and due to return in the first five months of 2011), your outlook for finding true love has never been better. Love requires courage. If you are happy with your relationship, things will improve further. If not, don't cling to the past.
发表于 2010-4-3 00:12:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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You may be thinking, "If Saturn won't be in my close, committed relationships house for most of April, May, June, and most of July, then where WILL Saturn be?" The answer is he is heading back to your workaday sector where you will begin to see more work pile on your desk with too few helpers to assist you. Yes, it's like Ground Hog day (the movie) with the same old problems you faced at the office last year. Actually, though, having Saturn in this house may be easier to deal with, especially if your birthday falls in the third week of March.

Also, no matter if you are a March or April-born Aries, if you have been struggling with a chronic or new health problem, things should improve immediately. Saturn opposed to the Sun is considered a difficult placement, for it is draining. Saturn will also show you any weak links to shore up with medical help, if you should need to do so.

Let's not forget that you have experience with Saturn in Virgo, reaching back to September 2007, but very little experience with Saturn in Libra, for Saturn has not been in this placement since September 1980 - May 1983. You may be too young to remember what happened then.

Saturn will re-enter Libra on July 21, and once he returns, he will not leave Libra for a little over two years, until October 5, 2012. Don't worry - you have time now to catch your breath now. If you saw problems show their little heads, you can think about how you'd best like to handle them and you will be able to do so in a less pressured-filled atmosphere.

Once Saturn returns to Libra on July 21, you won't feel Saturn opposed to your Aries Sun the whole two years straight (July 2010 to October 2012), only for about nine months within that time, depending on your precise birthday. In astrology, mathematics matter. I will be with you to help you over the humps and give you ideas of how to cope with new conditions. Everyone gets this aspect, and everyone benefits from it. You will, too.

Throughout 2010 only those Aries born March 20-31 will feel the effects of Saturn. Don't worry about this one bit. If we didn't have Saturn to push and prod us, we would have far less productive lives. In fact, we would turn into little marshmallows. We would never try new things or grow by taking on new responsibilities.

The new moon in Aries on April 14 will be a bright and beautiful birthday gift from a caring universe. That new moon will package all the good energy swirling about you and make it accessible to you so that you can harness it and direct it. Be ready to act on goals at that time.

Mercury will begin to retrograde on April 18, and you need to stay as far away from this date as possible. Mercury will not be in good enough shape for you to resume actions until May 15. This means you have to be ready and organized to strike on your key plans on the new moon in Aries on April 14 and get them into a tiny space of time.

In truth, you will begin to feel Mercury slowing things down as soon as April 8, so if you can, talk, but table big initiations and the signing of contracts until after May 15. It there is a rush, and then do so in the first week of April, no later. Any contract you sign while Mercury is retrograde, or near impending Mercury retrograde, is bound to be "off" in many ways and you will need to renegotiate it later. Mercury will stop retrograding May 13, but you need to wait a couple of days before you start to move ahead. That's why you need to wait until May 15 before resuming assertive actions.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is now in your twelfth house of secret talks, moving very close to Uranus this year, so you will find plans that you are making quietly behind closed doors will likely work out well. These days, you'd be wise to keep your key plans under your hat while you work on them. This summer you will be able to discuss them freely, but not quite yet. It seems you've not perfected them yet, and may need to do more research or work on them. This is all good - keep going!

On April 26 Saturn will oppose Uranus in a very rare aspect that will only happen once more this year on July 26, and then not again until 2056. The last time Saturn opposed Uranus in a long series of meetings was between 1965 and 1967. These two planets started their series of oppositions recently, on Election Day in the USA on November 4, 2008, then again on February 5 and September 15, 2009, and will continue meeting in opposition this month on April 26. As said their last meeting will be July 26, 2010.

Saturn is the planet that upholds history and tradition, while Uranus is the planet that prizes innovation and change. Saturn is all about the past, while Uranus is about the future. Saturn is conservative, while Uranus is experimental. These two will meet toe to toe at 180-degree opposition in your health and well being sectors, challenging you to find new ways to care for yourself, while preserving (or re-activating) the good health habits you have already established. If you are currently under medical care, this opposition may indicate that your doctor will implement some new medicine or techniques along with established protocols to help you get better.

The same houses that rules habits and health also rules work methods, so at month's end, you may find a new way to do certain tasks with greater ease. It's a good time to experiment and question whether you have found the best ways to approach a project or routine activity.

The full moon of April 28 will fall in your financial (eighth) house, so at this time you may be paying quite a number of bills and see a lot of money go out. There is a good chance, however, that money will come in, and that would be a blessing.
发表于 2010-4-3 00:12:08 | 只看该作者

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If you are cutting a big financial deal, be careful because Mercury will be retrograde in your other (second) financial house. If people are not paying you, you may need to borrow money to bridge the gap. Pluto will be well angled to this full moon, so you will get hefty support from bankers, investors, and other money people. Mars, however, will not be that friendly, so you may have to scale back on some personal plans or find a way to proceed on a creative project in a more economical way.

Even so, you have several bright days for money, including April 16 and 17, 23, and 24. Venus in Taurus will reach out to Jupiter, planet of generosity, on the first two days, and Venus in Taurus will wink at Uranus, planet of surprise, on the second two. You may find also that friends and family are so generous to you!

If you are planning a birthday party for yourself, schedule it for your best weekend date: April 17 or runner up date, April 2 or 3.

In all, your most romantic, fun-filled dates will be April 2, 3, 8, 12-13, 17 (brilliant), 18, 22, and 30.

Happy Birthday, dear Aries! The coming months are going to thrill you - just you wait and see!


A close relationship has been on the top of your mind recently and you seem to be trying to find the right course of action. A disagreement may have come to a head at the end of March and if so, be glad - it was time to clear the air. If the dilemma still has not been resolved, keep trying. April brings a smoother, brighter influence. Taskmaster Saturn, the planet of lessons learned, will move out of your house of marriage and all established relationships from April 7 to July 21, giving you a second chance to find accord. You'll see a greater willingness on the part of your partner to work with you now than you have over past months. Aim to finish talks well in advance of Saturn's return to your close relationship sector in late on July 21.

If single and not dating, with the combined energy of the new moon in Aries on April 14, and Mars sending blessings to your love sector throughout the month, you'll be quite in demand. Circulate and be open to many types.

Married and attached Aries who are happy will have a chance to bond closer. With Saturn retrograding back into Virgo, life's pressures will be off you and your partner. Find a solution to an old problem and look to the future with optimism.

The new moon April 14 will be your favorite time of the month. Use April 14-17 to initiate your key plans. Mercury will go retrograde from April 18 to May 11, so be ready to act quickly, on the dates stated, prior to the April 18. If you can't mobilize soon enough, then wait until May 15 and beyond to do so.

Financially, you're entering a strong month. Venus will brighten your house of earned income. Talks will go well on April 16, 17, 22, and 23. Talks about company benefits, insurance, and other types of funds outside of salary will reach a final point at the full moon, April 28. You can settle many types of monetary matters, from seeing a mortgage approved or reorganizing your retirement portfolio.

You may reach accord on a divorce settlement or hear from your insurance company about a claim. If you owe money, you will need to send a hefty check. Mars is in hard angle, so not everything will go swimmingly, but with Pluto so supportive, you can get over hurdles because the key money managers, bankers, investors, and other money types appear to be on your side - press forward.

Dates to Note

As you begin April, you are just coming through a full moon March 29 (plus or minus 4 days) that will have you focused on a close relationship. Clear the air. If you have not yet come to a conclusion, you have until July 21 to do so - try. You have a really good chance of finding a final answer now.

Single? Your moment to shine will occur once the new moon arrives April 14. This new moon will open the floodgates to new love to enter your life. Circulate!

If in a new relationship, spot the parts of the relationship you won't be able to change in time - decide to stay or go. Fixing those will not likely be possible.

If in an ongoing relationship that has not improved, don't wait for better days. Either go into counseling together or leave. Saturn's appearance suggests you need to address issues, not hide from them.

The new moon in Aries will require quick action. Know what you want and stick to your plan and act on April 14-17. If you can't get things organized that fast, delay things until May 15 and beyond.

Financially things look good for the second half of the month. April 16, 17, 22, and 23 will be your best days to negotiate. By the full moon in your joint resources house April 28 (plus or minus 4 days) you can reach accord.

Most romantic dates: April 2, 3, 8, 12-13, 17 (brilliant), 18, 22, and 30.
发表于 2010-4-3 00:12:17 | 只看该作者

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在4月26土星和天王星会处在一个罕见的背对的相位只有在今年的7月26会再出现一次,然后下一次就要到2056年了。上一次同样的时候是在 1956和1967年之间。这两颗星近年开始背向运行,例如在2008年11月4的选举日,然后在2009年2月5和9月15的时候,然后是今年4月26 的时候,据说他们下一次是在2010年的7月26.







总之你最佳的浪漫的约会日是4月2, 3, 8, 12-13, 17(尤为好)18, 22, 和 30.

发表于 2010-4-3 00:12:28 | 只看该作者

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