
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller金牛座2010年7月运势

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July Horoscope for Taurus

You are one of the lucky ones, for you are a fixed sign and therefore out of the limelight of the present eclipses. I see you sitting in your living room, watching the news on TV to find out what the eclipse of June 26 last month had wrought. Unless you have a cardinal sign rising or a number of cardinal planets (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra), chances are that you were a bystander to events last month rather than the subject of what was going on.

Now we have that eclipse's alter ego, the solar eclipse in Cancer (11 degrees) on July 11, a far friendlier one than last month's eclipse. It looks like less stress and more balance is due to come, and that's all good for you, dear Taurus.

Overall, eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer are friendly to your Taurus sign, which suggests that even enforced changes will work to your benefit. Even if you say you must be the exception to the rule because life seems hard for you, I still feel you will find ways to make these eclipses work in your favor. Keep the faith, dear Taurus - better days are due.

The eclipse last month and this month are hitting your travel sectors of your chart, to locations both distant and possibly foreign (June 26) and nearby (July 11). This is ironic because as a Taurus you are not inclined to travel too much if no one is forcing you to go anywhere. Now, however, you are feeling cabin fever and seem to be more willing to hop a plane, bus, or train to get out of town. This will do you good because the edges of your world are being pushed back so that you can get a larger view.

This month's eclipse will actually be a good one. You may be skeptical. I can hear you sitting at your computer mumbling, "Is there such a thing as a friendly eclipse?" The answer is yes! Solar eclipses bring in brand new elements and opportunities - often as a surprise - and when the third house is involved, as it is for you, news may arrive through a phone call, an email, or even a traditional letter, but not likely from someone in person. This opportunity is likely to allow you to travel, speak, teach, write, edit, do research, design, proof, promote, or sell, as just a few examples of communication projects that may come up.

A strong emphasis on the third house, as you will have now, in July, would also make you more courageous about venturing into joining social media, so you may find yourself crafting the right messages or designing your own blog or website. If you are self-employed, you may be energized to institute an advertising or publicity campaign. It would be the right time to do so, too. It's also possible you'll have a great idea for a phone app or new software - if you are technical, start sketching ideas. If you write, you might write reports or a thesis, or you may write advertising copy, a screenplay, or a novel - there are so many possible channels for your talents. You may find that you are writing a great deal more or speaking in front of groups.

One thing is certain: Your ability to convey your messages to others, whether through writing, music, a novel, screenplay, film, or poetry - you name it - is getting stronger. You may want to take lessons or classes to sharpen your ability to convey thoughts and artistic expressions even more. This trend started in July 2009 and you are already showing signs of growth, a that process is due to continue another 12 months. You'll travel more in that time, too - it's all good, and quite exciting! Best of all, most of the trips will be taken because you want to go, not because work demands you do. Some of the trips may be tied to your creative projects too, but again, those will be labors of love.

If your birthday falls on or near May 9 (within five days), you will feel this month's eclipse more than the one that fell last month on June 26.

If you were born in April, say, near April 24, you might have felt the June 26 eclipse. If not, watch the time at the end of this month, near July 26, for news. Sometimes an eclipse will deliver a message one month later, plus or minus five days. If you don't see developments in communications / contractual agreements or travel after July 11, you may hear news on August 6 or near August 11. There will be other key points as we move toward the end of the year, and I will keep listing the dates that are tied to this series as we go along.

Other exciting things are going on in your chart, so let's look at those now. Uranus is newly in Aries and so is Jupiter, and right now these two major planets are orbiting together within a few tiny degrees. These planets have not been together in these signs since 1927, so this is probably the first time in your life you've experienced the wildly creative energy of these planets in combination. They will be lighting your twelfth house of solitude and creativity, so your best, most moving, and expressive work will be done not in groups, but completely alone.

With Uranus and Jupiter in your twelfth house, also ruling the subconscious, may have some amazing dreams this month - be sure to try to decipher what those dreams are trying to tell you. You may get ideas from those dreams, so consider keeping a journal to write down some of the more interesting insights you get.

A real estate or family situation may be on your mind, and if so, you may get a breakthrough near the lovely day, July 26, when the Sun and Jupiter will work together in perfect sync to help you. More help will come in August, after the new moon, August 9. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from August 20 to September 12, so if you do have to sign a lease, sell or buy a house, or make changes, you will want to lay the groundwork now and not get too close to that date of the retrograde, August 20.

You will begin to feel the frustrating delays and changes as soon as August 6, which is prior to the new moon, August 9. One way things may work out well is if someone had, say, bid on your house but the bid was too low and you turned them away - that person may come back to make another offer. Going back to past situations are favored.

Your love life is likely to get a big boost this month, too. Saturn, the planet that pokes and pushes us, and generally puts us through a cosmic training session to help us become more mature and ready for more responsibility, is leaving your fifth house of true love on July 21. Saturn is the planet that would rather see you work than play, and so this has been kind of a cosmic oxymoron. The fifth house is all about relaxation and fun, but Saturn kept putting boulders in your path.

After Saturn departs on July 21 (not to return until 2036), you should start to see the obstacles to finding true love fall away. If the person you've been dating has been getting an advanced university degree, traveling a great deal, is not yet divorced, or is in any other way unavailable most of the time, you will enjoy the change. Soon you'll see a whole new situation emerge, and it will be one you like far better than the one you had.

This trend has been going on since September 2007, so you may not have chosen to wait - which is fine, too. Future romantic partners will be easier to meet and date, and not present the challenges and enforced separations (through no fault of your own) that you've experienced over the past three years.

If you are attached and had put off having a baby (or had problems with conception), you will also find that it is easier to have your baby now, and this is true even if you were trying to adopt. Everything in your personal life is likely to improve now.

Your most romantic dates will be July 1-2, 5-6, 10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 28, and 29.

Taurus loves to spend a bit of time alone sometimes, and this month you may just hit on a genius idea when you are by yourself. Jupiter is in Aries, and with Uranus in Aries too, your productivity and creativity will be very high when you work in solitude. To get the benefits, you will need to roll up your sleeves and put forth a concentrated effort, but if you do, you will have plenty of impressive work to show for your time. As a Taurus, you have the patience to see your project to completion. No obstacle will be too daunting to overcome and when you're finished you'll be proud of your effort. Dig in!

In your career, Uranus, the ruler of your house of fame, will go retrograde from July 5 until December 5, so during this time, you'd do best to concentrate on projects you have already committed to so far this year rather than expand to new ones. Go back to former clients and focus on servicing them better. You won't want to scatter your energies with Uranus retrograde. Just the opposite - you will want to make the very best possible use of your energy. Uranus rules your solar tenth career house, and with Uranus going retrograde, it will become weaker. That's why it is not wise to delve into new areas - polish up what you have already started.

If you are interviewing for a job, or if you are self-employed and always up for a new client, the full moon on July 25 should bring a wonderful career victory. We haven't had a lot of beautiful full moons lately - there have been a lot of flawed ones. This one is nearly ideal, with its friendly greeting to Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars. While it's true on this same full moon that Uranus and Saturn will oppose one another, it simply means that you are sifting out all that is outworn and no longer viable against new trends that point to the future of your industry and of your personal career in particular. Saturn and Uranus are urging you to reinvent yourself in any way that is comfortable to you, so this month, spend a little time thinking about how you'd like to accomplish that.

This does not mean you won't make professional progress, for you will. It's simply a matter of selecting the right projects and relationships to focus on now while Uranus is retrograde (as of July 5). If interviewing, you seem to have found the right people to engage in dialog, so there'll be no need to widen your net. Expect big career news at the full moon July 25 - it will be news that thrills you. It looks like you set things in motion earlier, and now it's time to collect your rewards.

During the coming five months, while Uranus retrogrades, work on finding a more balanced personal life. A residential or other property situation appears to have been on your mind, or you may be trying to improve your interactions with your family, an in-law, or a roommate. Now you can find progress, even if you've been stymied before. Aim to have all plans in place by early June. Press forward!

You may be asked to sign papers on July 11, but slow down and mull things over before you do. Never sign papers on an eclipse date as there will always be details that are obscured - take your time. Family or property decisions seem to be part of the meditation.

Real estate and other home and family-related matters may be on your mind too, and will get a boost at the bright interplay of Jupiter (good fortune) and the Sun on July 26. Next month will bring more assistance from the new moon August 9.

Romantically, someone new may surface and you'll love that this person is stable, reliable, and goal-oriented. With Venus, your ruler, in your house of love from July 10 to August 5, you might fall hard - delightfully so!

Dates to Note for Taurus:

Uranus turns retrograde on July 5 - from then until December 5, you will have time to bolster your private life.

Venus in Virgo July 10-August 6 will help you in matters of love and appearance.

Keep working on the home or family situation with the aim to finish up by June 7. You have excellent aspects to see progress at long last.

Travel is forming a huge theme now through the rest of the year. It appears a lot is going on at a distance, and you may need to be there to have a face to face, especially near July 11.

Don't sign agreements, leases, or contacts near July 11, and don't give a verbal answer either - wait and mull things over for a week or more.

Saturn has spent more than two years in your house of love. This means you have a new and serious outlook about seeing progress in your relationship. If commitment doesn't happen soon, you'll move on. Once Saturn leaves your love sector on July 21, it will be a big relief. Obstacles that have plagued you in love over the past two years will end and you won't face the same sort of frustrating conditions that you did in the past. Never have you had a better chance for success in love than you do now. Saturn will not come back to Virgo to cause separations and obstacles again until 2036. (You'll find the next visit from Saturn easier to take the second time because you learned so much over the past three years.)

The full moon on July 25 will bring big news to your career. Something is reaching a delightful, positive peak. Kudos for work well done and a possible offer for a more prestigious job are almost sure to come your way.

Assignments and projects will come in very quickly after that full moon July 25, thanks in part to the move of Mars into Libra from July 29 onward, until September 14.

Romantically, you are anxious to see progress and will leave anyone who seems to have dallied too long without a solid plan for the future. Good!

Plan to make over or upgrade your looks from July 10-30.

Your most romantic dates will be July 1-2, 5-6, 10, 11, 15, 23, 24, 28, and 29.
发表于 2010-7-1 05:24:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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