
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller射手座2010年11月运势

2 7963
11月 Horoscope for Sagittarius

The planets are sending you two different messages as November opens. On one hand, you have Mars now in Sagittarius giving you remarkable favor and pushing you to go, go, go at great speed. Mars will make you impatient, but you need to resist moving so fast. Jupiter, your ruling planet, whose job it is to take good care of you, has been retrograde (and therefore asleep) since July 23. If you feel like nothing is happening fast enough for you, that would make sense, but that situation won't persist for long. Jupit a key last stage and likely wrap up at the full moon, November 21. This full moon will fall at 29 degrees Taurus, considered a degree of completion.

Romantically, you are moving into a very powerful period at the start of 2011. Clear the decks now while you have time - later you will be too busy with a romantic relationship to want to tend to any home-related or other personal matters.

In the meantime, consider giving a holiday party at your home this month, your happiest place to be. Circle November 18 and 19 as your very best days to do so, with your second place runner-up being November 13. Sagittarius, you'll have it made.

Dates to Note for Sagittarius:

November will be a quiet month, giving you time to rest and reflect from November 1-18. Work to finish projects so you can add new ones soon.

After Jupiter, your ruler, goes direct, November 18, and you will see the pace pick up in a big way - life will get busy!

You will be outstandingly lucky with real estate and home-related matters all month, but especially so from November 15-18.

A work assignment will conclude within four days of the full moon, November 21.

If you have been getting treatmentser will turn on full power on November 18.

You need to wait until Jupiter regulates its orbit, for Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck and also has dominion over profits and financials of a new venture. If you rush to sign papers, or set the date of a major launch of a product or service, while Jupiter is retrograde, your endeavor will be capped at a lower profit potential for its life. You are so close to November 18! Just keep your shirt on!

November 18 is important for another reason, for it is the date Venus will go direct, too. Venus settled down to get her beauty sleep on October 8 and at that time left the rest of us to cope as best we could. We soon learned to work, not play, for Venus was not around to give us any encouragement. Venus is in charge of love, romance, fun, leisure, luxury, and beauty - and profits, too. When Venus withholds her powers, all of these areas suffer. That is why last month I said it was not the time to schedule any plastic surgery or radical changes to your hairstyle or color. It has not been a good time to buy expensive clothes or jewels or even designer perfume. All that changes now, on November 18.

It is fortunate that both Jupiter and Venus will regulate their orbits on the same day, November 18. Wait until November 19-30 to shop for jewelry and expensive clothes. You can buy electronics anytime, all month, but not in December because Mercury, the planet ruling electronics and all moving parts, will be retrograde all month, from December 10-30. You will feel Mercury's slowdowns as soon as December begins.

If you purchase electronics or install software in December, things will go wrong and you will regret your actions. Electronics are expensive - get them now! You will enjoy them more, and if the item is a gift, so would your recipient. You don't have to give the gift now, only buy it, and then hide it under your bed!

You would be wise to shop for all your holiday presents now, in November, and for any expensive things you might need for yourself, too. Not only will Mercury be retrograde, but also there will be a major lunar eclipse in Gemini on December 21, sure to bring unexpected events, changed agendas, shifting priorities, as well as unforeseen conditions into play. Those who wait until the last minute to make holiday preparations will face mounting stress at best or complete disaster (when few things get done) at worst. Get things done in November this year!

Always watch the days that surround a date that a planet turns either retrograde or direct. If you keep your antenna up on those days, you will hear the universe speaking to you clearly through certain events that will come up at that time. When a planet goes direct, there usually is some very good news. In this case, that would be the days that circle November 18.

In case you needed another reason to slow down early in the month, despite Mars' coaxing to get you to run quickly, consider this. At the start of November you will have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the new moon on November 6 clustered in your twelfth house of reflection and privacy.

At that time and in weeks that follow that new moon, you may be working very hard behind closed doors to finish a project that requires an enormous amount of concentration and attention to detail. It seems your deadline is November 21 plus or minus four days. Confidential talks will swirl around you that need to remain secret until you get closer to November 22 when the when the Sun will move into Sagittarius. You need not wait quite that long, as you can act as soon as November 19.

The full moon November 21 will bring a work project to fruition. You may hand in a big project or paper, or you may be given the green light to start an important new assignment. Everything about what comes up will be exciting and somewhat unexpected.

Still, there is one little thing to watch out for at the full moon November 21. Neptune, the planet of confusion, will be in hard angle to this full moon, so you may overlook certain errors - ask someone to look over your work before you hand it in. Aim to be crystal clear in your communications, for it would be easy for a misunderstanding to crop up unexpectedly. Despite these pitfalls, Jupiter and Uranus will fiercely protect you, so it appears you'll be gratified by the way things play out. If you need the help of others around you, you can count on great team support. This full moon will be one of the best of all of 2010. Whatever happens, you seem to be really happy!

Another area that might light up at month's end, near the full moon November 21, will be related to your home, property, or relationship with a family member, most likely your parent or grandparent.

For years most Sagittarians have had to move or continually change their living arrangements. With the Sun beaming Jupiter (happiness and financial luck) and Uranus (surprises), you may see a major breakthrough occur in regard to a home, property, or family issue. I love the aspects, so if you get an offer or a solution appears, you will have to be ready to act quickly. If you hesitate, the offer will fly out the window and you won't get a second chance to retrieve it. Events will move at the speed of light, and in this case you not only CAN act fast, you MUST. Family support will be fantastic at this time too, so all in all, you will be in a very good place.

Not only will the full moon of November 21 be special for solving your housing and family matters, but also there will be two other dates arriving earlier. On November 15, Jupiter will signal the Sun, and on November 19, Uranus do the same by also signaling the Sun. I feel whatever occurs on November 15 will lead to results that will culminate at the full moon time of the month, either on November 19 or 21. Remember, all full moons have an area of influence of four days.

In your career, you have great news coming November 4, when Mercury, the planet that rules your tenth house of fame and honors, will send Jupiter a golden beam your behalf. Hooray! On this day all meetings will go well.

More good news will show up two days later, when Mercury and Uranus will be spotted having a conversation about you (and how well you are doing in your career) on November 6. That's a new moon, so a major project or opportunity to aim for a good position may come up. Take it seriously, for that endeavor would have a good chance of taking root. It may take months of work (or not), but whatever it is, it seems to make you excited.

In matters of health, you should feel good this month. The fact that you have Mars in your sign shows you are brimming with energy and raring to bolt out of the gate. Your only danger is being a bit too impatient! Slow down and get Jupiter and Venus on your side AFTER November 18 and you'll be unstoppable.

This month would be a superb month to have surgery or to see a doctor or coach about helping you end a bad habit. Your house of the "end of all matters" will be brilliantly lit, so you are being given a rare chance to let go of a habit or substance that is clearly been harming you. Such a good future awaits you!

Sagittarius is a strong sign that understands the link of sound body, sound mind. Over the full moon November 21, you may come to a breakthrough in strength training. Bravo! Alternatively, you may come to the end of a series of medical or dental treatments - all good news.
If your birthday falls on November 22, or within that week, up to November 25, you will feel the effects of the full moon too, even though technically that full moon will fall in Taurus 29 degrees. Astrologers call that an out-of-sign conjunction, so it appears a relationship or important matter dear to your heart will reach culmination.

Once you get to November 19, you will have Jupiter and Venus moving direct at great speed and you will be ready to run with the banner. You will need to make your time count, because as said earlier, December will be a mess. To outrun the frustrating aspects coming next month, you will need to have a very accurate aim. Spend the first 18 days of November carefully organizing your plans and in negotiating any paperwork you will need to sign at month's end. You will want to be able to act decisively without delay at the end of November.

There are two days I am not happy about, however, and I would like you to avoid them. Those are November 26 and 27, not favorable for travel, shopping, signing contracts, or starting new ventures. This will be because Uranus, ruling unpredictable events, is about to pick a fight with Mercury, planet of agreements and transportation.

This is unfortunate because these days (called Black Friday and Black Saturday in the United States, because they fall directly after Thanksgiving) give the retailers a chance to see their ledgers go into the black, thanks to the heavy holiday shopping that is traditionally done by consumers on those days. There will be lots of bargains and sales offered on these days by the stores. Resist those sales. You don't need them. You will not be satisfied w for a health matter, they will finish up near November 21.

November 27 might not be "your day" when Mercury and Uranus are at odds. Watch what you say and write at that time.

You may give a party at home this month - perfect! Do so November 18 (best), 19, and third best, 13.

Be careful not to say something you regret or buy something you later don't want or need, November 27, when speaking and shopping are not favored at all.

Mars will be in Sagittarius all month, giving you the open road to begin a whole new cycle - take full advantage! You will be filled with determination to succeed, which is why you will!

Most romantic dates this month: November 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 22.

As you begin the month, a buildup of planets in your quiet, private twelfth house, along with the new moon there, November 6, will put you in a reflective, planning mode. Perfect!

You would be wise to wait until your ruler, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and Venus, the planet of love and profit, go direct on November 18 before setting important things in stone. Jupiter has been retrograde since May 31, and Venus since October 8, so once they regulate their orbits this month, you'll notice the difference. Life will be brighter and easier, and you will have many more opportunities to choose from now.

With Mars in Sagittarius all month, you will have all the courage, drive, and determination to get what you want. Others will say you have become a model of productivity and you'll feel that way! By the third week of November, you'll likely get an important nod to move ahead on a key new endeavor or relationship. No more waiting!

Next month, in December, Mercury retrograde will make for a messy month. This month, while you have such positive cosmic support, especially from November 19-30, work quickly to finish up items on your to-do list. If you can't get important matters done now, put them off for further attention in mid-January.

One area that will glitter in a very powerful way will relate to your home and/or other property or to a family matter. Of all parts of your chart, this is the area that will glitter brilliantly and where you can see the most progress. Your chart brims with once-in-a-lifetime planetary support, so if a home-related matter needs solving, marshal your energies and focus in on this particular area pronto. Rarely will you have such a perfect time to reach home-related goals.

Once Jupiter, your ruler and planet of gifts and luck, leaves your fourth house on January 22, your luck in real estate matters will evaporate. Other parts of your chart will light up, but not ones related to home, property, and family.

A work project will reach a key last stage and likely wrap up at the full moon, November 21. This full moon will fall at 29 degrees Taurus, considered a degree of completion.

Romantically, you are moving into a very powerful period at the start of 2011. Clear the decks now while you have time - later you will be too busy with a romantic relationship to want to tend to any home-related or other personal matters.

In the meantime, consider giving a holiday party at your home this month, your happiest place to be. Circle November 18 and 19 as your very best days to do so, with your second place runner-up being November 13. Sagittarius, you'll have it made.

Dates to Note for Sagittarius:

November will be a quiet month, giving you time to rest and reflect from November 1-18. Work to finish projects so you can add new ones soon.

After Jupiter, your ruler, goes direct, November 18, and you will see the pace pick up in a big way - life will get busy!

You will be outstandingly lucky with real estate and home-related matters all month, but especially so from November 15-18.

A work assignment will conclude within four days of the full moon, November 21.

If you have been getting treatments for a health matter, they will finish up near November 21.

November 27 might not be "your day" when Mercury and Uranus are at odds. Watch what you say and write at that time.

You may give a party at home this month - perfect! Do so November 18 (best), 19, and third best, 13.

Be careful not to say something you regret or buy something you later don't want or need, November 27, when speaking and shopping are not favored at all.

Mars will be in Sagittarius all month, giving you the open road to begin a whole new cycle - take full advantage! You will be filled with determination to succeed, which is why you will!

Most romantic dates this month: November 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 22.
发表于 2010-11-1 16:34:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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该行星是两个不同的消息发送你在十一月开幕。一方面,现在你有火星在射手座给你了不起的人赞成并推你走,走,走以极快的速度。火星会使你不耐烦,但你需要抵制移动得那么快。木星,你的守护星,他们的工作是要好好照顾你,一直逆行(并因此睡着)自7月23日。如果你喜欢什么感觉是足够快的发生你,那将是有意义的,但这种情况不会持续太久。 Jupit一个关键的最后阶段,并可能包裹在满月,11月21日注册。这满月将下降29度金牛座,认为是完成程度。

爱情方面,你正在进入一个非常强大的时期在2011年开始。清除甲板现在,你有时间 - 不久后你就会有一个浪漫的关系太繁忙,要倾向于任何家庭相关或其他个人事务。




木星后,你的统治者,直接去,11月18日,你将看到复苏的步伐在大一路 - 生命将得到忙了!





11月18日是非常重要的另一个原因,因为它是迄今为止金星将直接,太。金星收拾好心情,10月8日,当时她的美容觉离开了我们其他人尽最大努力,以应付可能。我们很快就学会了,不张扬,金星不在身边给我们任何鼓励。金星是在爱,浪漫,乐趣,休闲,豪华,美容费 - 和利润了。当金星吝惜自己的力量,所有这些领域受到影响。这就是为什么上个月我说,这是没有时间来安排任何整容手术,或你的发型和颜色根本性的变化。它不是一个好时机,买昂贵的衣服或珠宝,甚至设计师香水。一切都改变了,11月18日。


如果您购买电子产品或软件安装在十二月,事情会变坏,你会后悔你的行动。电子产品是昂贵的 - 让他们吧!你会喜欢他们更多,如果该项目是一个礼物,所以将您的收件人。你不必送礼物,现在,仅仅买下来,然后隐藏在你的床上!






不过,有一个小东西看于11月21日满月了。海王星,地球上的混乱,将在艰难的角度,这满月,所以你可能会忽略某些错误 - 请人检查一下你的工作,然后再交给英寸的目标是成为您的通讯晶体明确,这将是容易误会的突然出现意外。尽管存在这些缺陷,木星和天王星将狠狠保护你,所以看来你将会发挥出事物的方式感到满意。如果你需要别人帮助你周围,你可以依靠优秀的团队支持。这次满月将是2010年最好的之一。无论发生什么,你似乎是真的很高兴!



不仅将11月21日满月可特殊的解决您的住房和家庭问题,而且将有两个早些时候抵达其他日期。 11月15日,木星将信号太阳,并于11月19日,天王星做也预示着太阳的相同。我觉得无论发生在11月15日将导致最终结果将在这个月的满月的时候,无论是在11月19日或21日。请记住,所有的满月有一个四天影响力。





射手座是一个强大的标志,理解健康的身体,才有健康的精神联系。在11月21日满月,你可能会力量训练中的一个突破。好样的!或者,你可能会到一个医疗或牙科治疗系列的终结 - 都是好消息。





你可以在家里给党的这个月 - 完美!这样做,11月18日(最好),19,和第三最佳,13。


火星将在射手座这一个月里,让您在开阔的道路,开始了一个全新的周期 - 充分利用!你将充满成功的决心,这就是为什么你会的!









爱情方面,你正在进入一个非常强大的时期在2011年开始。清除甲板现在,你有时间 - 不久后你就会有一个浪漫的关系太繁忙,要倾向于任何家庭相关或其他个人事务。




木星后,你的统治者,直接去,11月18日,你将看到复苏的步伐在大一路 - 生命将得到忙了!





你可以在家里给党的这个月 - 完美!这样做,11月18日(最好),19,和第三最佳,13。


火星将在射手座这一个月里,让您在开阔的道路,开始了一个全新的周期 - 充分利用!你将充满成功的决心,这就是为什么你会的!

发表于 2010-11-1 16:34:56 | 只看该作者

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