
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller天蝎座2010年12月运势

1 8220
Money will be a big focus this month, and you will need to do the best you can until your prospects perk up in January. Mars, your ruler, has been touring your second house since October 28, draining your bank account. That's not the easiest place to host Mars, for it does tend to create a need for high spending. Fortunately, Mars is leaving on December 7, not to be back for two years, and very soon the spending will drop and you will feel more in control of your finances. While touring your second house, however, he made you more motivated to find additional money, if only by necessity.

There's more reason for cheer. The new moon, December 5, will help you find added income. It is the one and only new moon in your solar second house of salary in 2011. Saturn will be very encouraging to this new moon, which will be strong for two full weeks after it appears. Saturn is known to add rock-solid stability to all that it touches, so this new moon behooves you to start searching out your options.

Venus, also associated with money, will be in strong, supportive angle to Pluto in your house of agreements, so you may be working on a deal that has large scope and big profit potential. Go slowly because if you rush, you will miss clues and clauses that will come back to bite you.

I say that because Mercury will be retrograde December 10 to 30, but you will feel the slowdown from the moment the month begins. You simply cannot seal deals yet. Keep up your efforts to find more income, even though you may feel pulled back and delayed by Mercury retrograde. Mercury rules commerce - buying, selling, negotiating, contracts - the works. When Mercury goes into apparent retrograde motion, this planet weakens and all these areas suffer.

In your case, Mercury will retrograde in your third house of agreements, and also retrograde back into your money house, causing glitches and delays in both houses. You would be wise not to sign any papers until you get to mid-January, even though Mercury will technically be retrograde from December 10 to 30.

The reason I say wait until mid-January is that we have two eclipses on the way and until they have spoken, you won't know the whole story, and should not forge any new agreements or make any big decisions. Eclipses always add twists and turns we do not expect, and they always bring in dynamic, changing elements from the outside world that we need to consider, too. Those are always new elements. Eclipses are always in a rush to provide truth, and their job is to illuminate things in such a way that we feel motivated to act, even if it is not a convenient time. (The universe just laughs when we say we don't have the time to think about these matters - eclipses push us forward, ready or not.)

The second eclipse, due January 4, will be a solar eclipse and will fall in your third house of agreements. You see why I say wait about a week after that eclipse before signing anything.

I am more concerned over the December 21 eclipse, a full moon, total eclipse of the moon, at 29 degrees 21 minutes Gemini. This eclipse will mark an ending and will fall in your eighth house. This house rules various things, but is most associated with other people's money. You may come to the end of your unemployment insurance, for example, or those who owe you money may inform you that they can't pay.

This eclipse of December 21 is due to be somewhat stressful for everyone (not just Scorpios) for three reasons. First, it falls on the solstice, which means it is more powerful than your usual eclipse. Solstice points are major nodal points in astrology and they are considered symbolic of the essence of the life force. This eclipse falls only a little more than one-half degree from zero degrees Cancer, the solstice point.

Secondly, this eclipse gets an angry beam from Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, so whatever comes up will be something you would never expect. Uranus will be in very tight degrees mathematically to the Sun and moon. Uranus will go direct on December 7, which is a good thing - it is related to your family and home sector, and those areas will jump to life and be more helpful to you. Uranus has been out of phase since early July, and will turn on full, robust power on December 7. Still, with Uranus playing such a dominant role at this December 21 eclipse, I would be happier if Uranus was still a little dizzy and drunk at this time, and not so effective!

Third, any eclipse in Gemini will bring Mercury into the discussion, because Mercury is Gemini's ruler. However, this month, Mercury will be in weak retrograde motion, so it can't quite stand up for himself, and besides, Uranus will not only rile up the Sun and moon, but Mercury, too. December 21 would not be the time to agree to any sort of deal or make any sort of financial speculation.

The Sun will be involved in this trio, and since the Sun rules your career, you may have a setback that proves upsetting. Career and money do go together and fit into the puzzle of your chart this month. Take nothing for granted now, for everything is in flux. Fortunately, Jupiter may be able to help you, for Jupiter is still in Pisces, and Jupiter in good angle to the Sun represents enormous help. Those born on November 15 or later will be particularly well positioned to get Jupiter's help.

If you are looking for a job, have a friend pose as an interviewer at a large company and have her call for a reference. You need to know what is being said about you in private. A foreign company or a media company could be part of the plot of this eclipse.

Here ito earn money. Look for any and all opportunities, but realize that Mercury will be retrograde all month and it is not the time to finalize any key agreements.

Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30, but you will feel the effects the entire month of December. Be done shopping by December 5.

Rather than buy an expensive gift, get gift cards and offer to accompany your recipient to the store to help choose the ideal gift.

You have had high expenses lately, but as of December 7, your high spending will settle down.
发表于 2010-12-1 12:45:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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我说,因为水星将逆行一十二月10号至30日,但你会觉得从本月开始的那一刻放缓。你根本就还没有谈妥交易。让你的努力,以找到更多的收入,即使你可能感觉拉回和水星逆行延迟。水星掌管商业 - 采购,销售,谈判,合同 - 的作品。当水星逆行进入到明显,这个星球上的减弱,所有这些领域受到影响。


我之所以说等到一月中旬的是,我们在路上两次月食,直到他们的发言,你不会知道整个故事,而不应建立任何新的协议或作出任何重大决定。日食总是添加曲折,我们并不期望,他们总是带来动态的,不断变化的外部世界,我们需要考虑,也元素。人,总是新的元素。日食总是急于提供真理,照亮他们的工作是在这样一个,我们感到非常积极地行为方式的东西,即使它不是一个方便的时间。 (宇宙只是笑笑,当我们说我们没有时间去思考这些问题 - 。月食推动我们前进,准备与否)




其次,这次日食得到一个来自天王星,地球上的意外发展,所以无论发生什么都会将是你永远不会想到愤怒的光束。天王星将在数学上很紧度,太阳和月亮。天王星将直接于12月7日,这是件好事 - 它关系到你的家人和家庭部门,这些领域将活跃起来,并给你更多的帮助。天王星的相位已自七月初以来,并会在全面,强大的电源打开12月7日。尽管如此,与天王星在这12月21日打这样的主导作用蚀,我会更开心,如果天王星还是有点头晕,在这个时候喝醉了,不那么有效!

第三,任何Eclipse将在双子座水星带入讨论,因为水星是双子座的统治者。然而,本月初,水星将逆行薄弱,因此它不能完全为自己站起来,而且,天王星,不仅激怒了太阳和月亮,但水星了。 12月21日的时间将不会同意任何的排序或进行任何交易的金融投机排序。






发表于 2010-12-1 12:45:33 | 只看该作者

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