
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller白羊座2011年7月星座运势

2 5144
The month starts off with a bang - a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1. Eclipses are harbingers of massive change, and this time, your shifts may take place in your home or within family. Your outlook, lifestyle, and certain goals seem to be undergoing rapid change, so trying something new and different seems to be in the cards. Hanging on to the past would not be wise - it's time to courageously step forward into your new life.

If your family turns out to be on your mind instead of property or your living situation, it will most likely be in regard to a parent or grandparent, as well as your sister or brother. Keep your cell phone powered up.

This eclipse might require a tough adjustment for several reasons. First, it falls at 9 degrees Cancer, bringing with it a whole crowd of disagreeable planets to the table that simply can't or won't get along. The squabbling planets include Pluto, Saturn, Uranus - all big guys in the planetary lineup - and they won't be getting along with each other, nor the Sun and new moon.

This will create a lot of dissention. Pluto will be aiming his gaze at the Sun and new moon, creating a push-pull for you home and career. An authority figure may be quite unfair to you, or it may be that a boss or client at work won't be pacified, no matter what you do to please them. You may have responsibilities at home, too, that may drain your time - and your boss won't be very sympathetic to your needs to direct time there either. Do the best you can.

The disagreeable planets will form a tight cardinal cross, which happens when at least four planets are in one of each of the cardinal signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn - and are within tight mathematical degree from one another. We have that now, in July. This means all four corners of your life will need your attention, all at once.

Cardinal energy is urgent energy - it will not be contained. Few of your plans will go smoothly without disruption, so you might as well go with the flow. There's a big possibility that a job offer or other change in your life, or in your partner's life, will create a sudden need for you to move house or make other radical changes.

Also at this eclipse, Saturn, planet of difficulties, now in your marriage and partnership house, will be opposite Uranus in Aries, so you may not get the cooperation you expect from one close partner, in love or business. Your partner might test your patience, for he or she is more likely to favor a slow, conservative approach, and you're more likely to take the adventuresome, risky one. You both will be at opposite ends of the spectrum, so you will have to reason with your partner to get your point of view across. Even so, I am not sure your partner will want to go along with your plans and ideas.

You may be tempted to make a major decision impetuously (such as to leave your partner, among many options) now that Uranus is in Aries. Let the chips fall where they may. Afterward take your time to choose what you want to do. We can't control everything in life, but we can control our responses to what happens - take time to think.

There are other ways things may play out. It may be that things happening at home will create a need to move, or that you will need to make repairs, reorganize, or change things. You may be renovating and need to be out of the house in a hotel or at a friend's place while the dust level is high. Or it may be that a tree falls on your house, and it's not safe to stay there until workers can fix the damage. There are many possible examples of why you might see shifts - you get the idea. (I don't want to frighten you! No need!)

When we have a cardinal cross, if something is dysfunctional, the center will not hold - things will collapse quickly. Instead of this being a bad thing, it will be a positive development - you will be able to rework things again in a better way. Eclipses tend to put an end to inequities or help to correct past mistakes. They also banish worn out situations that will have no further value to you. If you receive surprising information or see rapid shifts, you are better off moving in a new direction. There is no going back to the old days with eclipses - they push us forward with force.

Admittedly, eclipses act like Uranus in that they strike like lightning, and you rarely see news coming. Don't even try - just sit back and watch what flies in the window. This is a new moon eclipse, so whatever trend comes up now will be in place for a very long time. New moons open new paths. This is in sharp contrast to what the last eclipse brought on June 15 when certain circumstances came to a head and ended a situation. New moon solar eclipses start long trends. Full moon eclipses (like st innovative ideas need to be polished. Do not venture into new territory - concentrate on what you've started already. You can start up again after December 10.

A career matter will reach a full point on July 15, plus or minus four days. It may be the time to accept the offer.

Your love life will show excellent signs of life: on the new moon July 30.

Massively important things are happening in regard to your home, and you may be deciding about where to live, and in what style. Or the month may include moving day, whether down the street or across country. One person in your family, most likely a parent, may make news in your life too, so keep your antenna up.

The major solar eclipse, in Cancer, July 1, will hurry your evaluation of all family and domestic matters and a quick decision will likely be required. Financially, you can find the money you need to make home-related changes, thanks to an excellent angle of Jupiter to Pluto. July 1 could be moving day or when you are asked to close on a house. You may make a purchase for a key electronic or appliance too in early July, a great time to do so.

If you have a partner, representative, broker, or other middleman near, this person may not agree with your plan and push back. It seems this person won't see the logic in your intentions. You'll have to be persuasive, but arguing your case will not be easy. Still, Mars, your ruler, will be in the most articulate and intellectual sign of the zodiac, Gemini, so the right words will come to you when you need them most.

By July 7, you will hear that things are percolating in your career, for Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, now in your salary sector, will beam Pluto, planet of power, now in your house of fame and honors, and provide a special link between professional interests and money. It appears an exceptional career opportunity is about to emerge. Money offered should thrill you.

By July 15, a full moon will culminate in your career sector, so if you had planned to move house to take advantage of a special professional opportunity, all plans will be in place within days of this time.

The month improves steadily as you go. The month ends with a highly romantic new moon, July 30, one of the best new moons of the year! A lovely and very rare harmony of planets will make the days that follow quite special, especially for meeting new romantic partners, or for fanning the fires of present love.

You've had a busy time, with considerable stress at the start of the month, so take your opportunity for a gorgeous romantic weekend away over the last weekend, July 30-31. August brings Mercury retrograde all month - by the end of July it will be evident that you've done what you need to do, so kick back and revel in all you've accomplished. August will be made for taking things down another notch and enjoying the art of doing nothing much at all.

Rev up your batteries, dear Aries. It looks like your home and family are about to be a big focus in coming weeks.

Aries Dates to note

Most romantic evenings are July 2, 3, 6, 7, 16-17, 26, and 30-31.

The solar eclipse (a new moon) may change your home life dramatically, say if you need to move or renovate, or if you hear news about family: July 1.

Your finances will get a fantastic boost: July 7 and 27, both five-star days.

Sign contracts: July 7

If you need money to devote to your home, seek it July 9 when Venus and Jupiter trade signals.

Uranus in Aries will turn retrograde July 9 and you will find that your most innovative ideas need to be polished. Do not venture into new territory - concentrate on what you've started already. You can start up again after December 10.

A career matter will reach a full point on July 15, plus or minus four days. It may be the time to accept the offer.

Your love life will show excellent signs of life: on the new moon July 30.
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