2014-10-20 Physic: Knight of Swords - Mind: Justice + Spirit: 2 of Wands + Finish one thing and have one decision. Many things to do, time management is very important. The knight of swords is rushing. And the woman in justice hold the swords and balance to make the equal choice with rational reasoning. The man in 2 of wands makes his decision for his future. In this spread, colors are distinct. The whole spread gives me a kind of rational feeling. Some are little impulsive, others analyze according to the reality. 11, 2. That shows 1+1=2, which means one should cause another. And it does. After the rational thinking, the man can make a most suitable choice. The knight of swords is rushing to the next step. He is the only one in the spread whose feet are not in the ground. But when he comes to the woman in justice. He feel the energy of calmness and rational thinking. So he starts to think what he really wants, and what he can do to make it come true. After the detailed analysis, he comes to 2 of wands, who is making choice, then do it. My physic tells me: It’s a little difficult for you to handle too many things at the same time. You need to have better time management and better plan. My mind tells me: Your decision is rational. Since it has been proved, then just try best to achieve it. My spirit tells me: Not just making choice, then need to show your action. Don’t be afraid to try, you can see the future. 2014-10-21 Physic: 9 of Cups + Mind: 2 of Cups – Spirit: The World – It’s the day that has many things to do. Only one term proposal can drive me crazy. Luckily, I am in my period, then have no good mood to deal with the work. At night, dance with partners and thank my friend for bringing dinner. After releasing my negative mood by speaking out, I feel better now. I feel much water to represent emotion. It’s a very harmonious spread. No argument, no fighting. Main colors are yellow, blue, white and green. I feel purity and energy through these colors. Explain them one by one. For 9 of Cups, one man is sitting in the room and enjoys his happiness, which can be represented by cups and red colors in his head and feet, showing inner of him. The blue canvas behind him shows his calmness to feel the happiness. Then, for 2 of Cups, one man and one woman face to face. They communicate with each other. And there’s some passion between them, showing by red lion angle. The world, the woman is a dancer, who has the power of creating, preserving and destroying, like Shiva in Hinduism. She has four patron saints, with whose helps she get the achievement. Even though some cards are reversed, but the meaning doesn’t change too much. The whole spread indicates I feel happy now and I enjoy it. But when I released my bad mood, don’t forget to care others’ mind. As we know, moods can be infectious. Then when we have a good cooperation, then we can get the achievement of the work. My physic tells me: Keep your happy mood. Even though it seems mobile, try to keep it. My mind tells me: When you communicate with others, work with others, care more about them, or your mood will affect them. My spirit tells me: It’s a hard work and need time to do. Don’t be too worried, just try best to cooperate with your partners and them you will attain the goal. 回复 17# silence Thank you for your encouragement, which gives me energy~~ And I will keep doing it because it's the thing I adore. |