
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller双子座2010年12月运势

1 9383
By the time you reach December, the Sun has moved into Sagittarius, a sign found six months from your birth Sun sign, so you can't quite expect to get full control in any talks you are having this month. When two people come to the table in business or in love, both bring something that is highly attractive to the other side. You both need one another, but on the other hand, you both also have certain needs. Finding the right balance will be your aim this month.

You will be asked to find complex compromises and discuss fine points with one person close to you. Having great negotiation skills is an art, and this month you may sharpen those skills considerably. Working in a collaboration in business or personally can be exhilarating. Getting engaged is one example of an event that could take place this month, if you've been dating seriously.

The fact that Mars is winding up its tour of Sagittarius should help you reach accord. It is not always easy having Mars positioned 180 degrees away from your sign, and you've had Mars in this not-so-easy position since October 28. Happily, on December 7, Mars will move on to a slightly easier position.

Before that happens, Mars and Uranus will have a difference of opinion on December 3, and you may have a difficult surprise involving money, career, or a partner. You may also have a difficult confrontation on December 17, when the Sun and Uranus are at a hard angle to each other. These events will reveal what is going on in the head of someone you trust, and if you don't like what you learn, you will have to make adjustments to protect yourself and open a dialogue to air feelings.

Keep in mind that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, is still guarding your career ferociously. That should be a comfort if you get any jarring news on the career front this month.

Uranus is due to go direct on December 5 after having been retrograde since July 5, so your professional position will grow stronger, especially in regard to publishing and broadcasting projects.

No matter what goes on in the first few days of December, you will be very focused on an important present, or proposed, partner most of the month, for the new moon, December 5, will appear in your marriage and partnership sector (seventh house). This is the house we look to when there is any sort of "coming together" of two people, in love or business.

We learn about ourselves by watching how we deal with others - others give us feedback, but also we see how we react to certain opportunities and challenges, in ways that we might not have anticipated. Everything i a Gemini is a bit like trying to box with someone while standing on a slippery slab of ice - impossible to retain a strong, rooted position. Mercury will speed direct on December 30, but on the heels of that date, another eclipse will be due January 4.

It's always best to wait to see what comes up on these events, as eclipses always bring both opportunities and challenges quite unexpectedly. If you can wait until January 15, you will be sitting pretty, and early February will be better yet.

Be cheered in knowing that everyone will be in the same boat. Those few who defiantly choose to act in a hasty manner will regret their impulsive actions later. It's a time to watch and wait, not act assertively.

There's no doubt that this will be a complex month with many necessary facts obscured and yet oddly, on other fronts, information will be brought to light very dramatically with the speed and force of a geyser. You will need time to reflect on all you discover, but with so much noise, it will be hard to think. Take your time. You may change your mind more than once in December.

From December 5 until January 15, talks that center on money will move forward. If you work in a performance based industry and regularly receive a commission, bonus, royalties, or licensing fees, you will be able to rake in a hefty check.

Divorce settlements, severance, child support, insurance, university financial aid, and all sorts of court cases may be on your mind and may come up for discussion or action. Don't be shy - speak your mind - and although you may have to wait until January to settle talks, you can sift through the research process now. You can also get the jump on year-end taxes this month - you will be among the first to file and perhaps among the first to get your refund, too (that, is, if one is due)!

Dates to Note for Gemini:

Your career is the strongest, best part of your chart, especially after Uranus goes direct December 5.

Use your excellent career energy before Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, leaves your professional achievement sector January 22. Your competition is getting energetic and aggressive - find ways to combat them. You can.

Contact career people you know from your past to see if you can do more together in the future.

Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30, but you will feel the slowdowns from the moment the month begins. If you ship packages, double check all addresses.

Mars will have you doing your taxes and other financially oriented planning from December 7 to January 15. After that, you'll be done!

The lunar eclipse of December 21 could bring you life-changing news, particularly if you were born at the end of your sign, June 15-21. Do not over pack your schedule - find a way to do the holidays as easily as possible. Enlist as much help as you can, for you will need it.

Protect your health as you get closer to December 21, and immediately address any matter that might come up - don't wave things off due to lack of time. Eclipses sometimes bring up issues that were latent and need to be addressed instantly.

This is a touch-and-go month for romance due to the December 21 eclipse, so it is anyone's guess about how this may work out. The following days are better than most, but not until January, if attached, will you know where you stand.

The new moon December 5 will help you make new alliances romantically, either at work or in your personal life. This marks your best moment of the month, but you will have to work FAST, within a handful of days: December 5-8.

Best romantic nights December 1, 4, 5, 10, 13, 23, and 24.

This will not be a "business as usual" month, especially with a full moon eclipse in Gemini due on December 21. A close relationship is changing and will be in need of examination and clarification. Eclipses reveal truths, so if there is any news you need to know, you will soon discover what it is, quite rapidly. Gemini born at the end of the sign, near June 17-21, will be most likely to feel the most direct effects of this eclipse and may feel rocked by news.

If your alliance proves strong, you may find that this eclipse instead points out a need to protect your health. This month's eclipse in Gemini will be looking at not only your own needs, but also your health and one close relationship. If you learn you need a procedure (medical or dental), schedule it soon so that you can move on. The eclipse would be revealing what has been hidden from view and what you will need to know to protect yourself. With Pluto orbiting close to Mars, your powers of regeneration will be quite astounding. Stay optimistic.

A whole series of eclipses are due in 2011 and 2012 in Gemini and Sagittarius, and when they are over you will have a whole new and stronger appreciation for your talents and other strengths.

December 3 could prove to be a difficult career day, due to Mars in hard angle to Uranus. It's not the day to have an important talk with your boss or client. Lie low because on this day good news will be in short supply. December 17 could be tense too, as the Sun and Uranus will be in a hard angle to each other. Keep in mind, however, that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, is still in your career house, protecting you through thick and thin until January 22.

All month, your emotions may run from hot to cold and back again on all fronts, for aspects will be pulling and tugging at you from different directions. The new moon on December 5, coming only two days after the December 3 career event (mentioned above), will open a window for discussions with proposed collaborators / partners in the coming two weeks. You may be ready to form a partnership in love or business with someone important to you. For example, you may be ready to get engaged, and if so, plan to do so on December 31 - not before that. New Year's Eve is a very romantic day, filled with festivities and fireworks, so that might work for you.

While it is a good time to talk about the future, with your seventh house of Sagittarius hosting not only the new moon, but various planets coming and going in this same house, and all opposed to your Sun, you won't have full control. At times you may resent being gently pressured into accepting certain conditions. Mars is notorious about creating disputes, so if there are any arguments over procedures or money, they may get quite heated this month. Go slowly and methodically, and if talks should become difficult on any one day, break the connection and suggest you both adjourn and meet another day when you will both feel fresher, calmer, and more able to come up with new solutions.

Keep in mind that your ruler and guardian planet, Mercury, will be retrograde during most of December, keeping you at a disadvantage. When your ruling planet is out of phase, it's hard to have an impact and influence on events and to be as persuasive as you know you can be. Having Mercury retrograde to a Gemini is a bit like trying to box with someone while standing on a slippery slab of ice - impossible to retain a strong, rooted position. Mercury will speed direct on December 30, but on the heels of that date, another eclipse will be due January 4.

It's always best to wait to see what comes up on these events, as eclipses always bring both opportunities and challenges quite unexpectedly. If you can wait until January 15, you will be sitting pretty, and early February will be better yet.

Be cheered in knowing that everyone will be in the same boat. Those few who defiantly choose to act in a hasty manner will regret their impulsive actions later. It's a time to watch and wait, not act assertively.

There's no doubt that this will be a complex month with many necessary facts obscured and yet oddly, on other fronts, information will be brought to light very dramatically with the speed and force of a geyser. You will need time to reflect on all you discover, but with so much noise, it will be hard to think. Take your time. You may change your mind more than once in December.

From December 5 until January 15, talks that center on money will move forward. If you work in a performance based industry and regularly receive a commission, bonus, royalties, or licensing fees, you will be able to rake in a hefty check.

Divorce settlements, severance, child support, insurance, university financial aid, and all sorts of court cases may be on your mind and may come up for discussion or action. Don't be shy - speak your mind - and although you may have to wait until January to settle talks, you can sift through the research process now. You can also get the jump on year-end taxes this month - you will be among the first to file and perhaps among the first to get your refund, too (that, is, if one is due)!

Dates to Note for Gemini:

Your career is the strongest, best part of your chart, especially after Uranus goes direct December 5.

Use your excellent career energy before Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, leaves your professional achievement sector January 22. Your competition is getting energetic and aggressive - find ways to combat them. You can.

Contact career people you know from your past to see if you can do more together in the future.

Mercury will be retrograde from December 10 to 30, but you will feel the slowdowns from the moment the month begins. If you ship packages, double check all addresses.

Mars will have you doing your taxes and other financially oriented planning from December 7 to January 15. After that, you'll be done!

The lunar eclipse of December 21 could bring you life-changing news, particularly if you were born at the end of your sign, June 15-21. Do not over pack your schedule - find a way to do the holidays as easily as possible. Enlist as much help as you can, for you will need it.

Protect your health as you get closer to December 21, and immediately address any matter that might come up - don't wave things off due to lack of time. Eclipses sometimes bring up issues that were latent and need to be addressed instantly.

This is a touch-and-go month for romance due to the December 21 eclipse, so it is anyone's guess about how this may work out. The following days are better than most, but not until January, if attached, will you know where you stand.

The new moon December 5 will help you make new alliances romantically, either at work or in your personal life. This marks your best moment of the month, but you will have to work FAST, within a handful of days: December 5-8.

Best romantic nights December 1, 4, 5, 10, 13, 23, and 24.
发表于 2010-12-1 13:39:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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我们了解自己通过看我们如何与他人交易 - 其他反馈给我们,但我们也看到我们如何应对机遇和挑战在某些方面,我们可能没有预料到的。双子座是一切,而保险业监督在湿滑的冰板有点像试图站在一个与别人到框 - 不可能保留一个强大的,根深蒂固的地位。水星将在12月30日直接速度,但在该日期后不久,另一月食是由于1月4日。





离婚协议,遣散,子女抚养费,保险,高校财务援助,以及各种诉讼案件可能会在你的头脑,可能会讨论或采取行动了。不要害羞 - 表达自己的思想 - 尽管你可能要等到一月谈判解决,您可以通过现在的研究过程中筛选。您也可以在年终税收跳这个月 - 您将成为第一个文件,也许是最先得到退款,太(即是,如果一个人是由于)!



用你的面前木星,礼品和运气送礼,良好的职业能量离开你的专业成就部门1月22日。你的竞争越来越充满活力和进取 - 寻找途径,以打击他们。你可以。




在12月21日的月食将带给你改变生活的新闻,特别是如果你在你的签名,出生于6月十五日日至21日结束。不要过度包装您的日程安排 - 找到一种方法,尽可能容易地做了假期。争取尽可能多的帮助,你可以,你会需要它。

保护您的健康,你接近12月21日,并立即解决任何问题,可能出现了 - 由于波,请不要关闭时间不够的事情。日食有时提出的问题,是潜在的,必须立即加以解决。







12月3日可能被证明是一个困难的事业的一天,因为在硬角天王星和火星。这不是一天,有一个和你的老板或客户的重要讲话。谎言,因为在这一天的好消息将在低供不应求。 12月17日可能是太紧张,因为太阳和天王星将在一个困难的角度是对方。请记住,但是,木星,地球上的好运气,仍然在你的事业宫,保护同甘共苦,直到1月22日你。

整个月,你的情绪可能运行从热到冷和背部各方面又出来了,将拉动方面,在你从不同的方向使劲。 12月5日的新月,未来的职业生涯后,12月3日事件(上述)仅两天时间,将打开与合作者讨论,提出一个窗口/在未来两个星期的合作伙伴。你可能会准备成立一个关于爱情或与他人合伙企业对你很重要。例如,你可能准备要订婚,如果是这样,计划这样做12月31日 - 不是在这之前。除夕是一个非常浪漫的一天,庆祝活动和烟花爆竹,因此这可能就是为你填写工作。


请记住,你的统治者和监护人的行星,水星,将在十二月最逆行,保持你处于劣势。当你的守护星出的阶段,就很难产生影响的事件和影响,并成为有说服力的,你知道你可以。有水星逆行到双子座是一个有点像试图与别人盒子在湿滑的冰板站立 - 不可能保持一个强大的,根深蒂固的地位。水星将在12月30日直接速度,但在该日期后不久,另一月食是由于1月4日。





离婚协议,遣散,子女抚养费,保险,高校财务援助,以及各种诉讼案件可能会在你的头脑,可能会讨论或采取行动了。不要害羞 - 表达自己的思想 - 尽管你可能要等到一月谈判解决,您可以通过现在的研究过程中筛选。您也可以在年终税收跳这个月 - 您将成为第一个文件,也许是最先得到退款,太(即是,如果一个人是由于)!



用你的面前木星,礼品和运气送礼,良好的职业能量离开你的专业成就部门1月22日。你的竞争越来越充满活力和进取 - 寻找途径,以打击他们。你可以。




在12月21日的月食将带给你改变生活的新闻,特别是如果你在你的签名,出生于6月十五日日至21日结束。不要过度包装您的日程安排 - 找到一种方法,尽可能容易地做了假期。争取尽可能多的帮助,你可以,你会需要它。

保护您的健康,你接近12月21日,并立即解决任何问题,可能出现了 - 由于波,请不要关闭时间不够的事情。日食有时提出的问题,是潜在的,必须立即加以解决。



发表于 2010-12-1 13:40:41 | 只看该作者

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