
苏珊·米勒Susan Miller处女座2011年4月星座运势

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Virgo Horoscope for April 2011

By Susan Miller

Money management will consume you in April, for you will have six out of ten heavenly bodies in your house of "other people's money." This area of your chart, the eighth house, covers money you receive, say, as a bank loan or as an infusion of venture capital, or in terms of a scholarship, financial aid, bonus, commission, or divorce settlement. It can come as an insurance payout, severance package, inheritance, cash court settlement, or even as prize money you'd win on a TV game show. It also rules money you pay to others for a credit card statement, mortgage, or child support. You get the idea of the kind of money you will be thinking about this month.

All the planets will be speaking at once, but few of them will be on the same page, so the result will be a cacophony that may leave you frustrated or bewildered. Don't give up or get deflated, however, because you will have good planets standing right next to the tough ones. You will have Mercury (news and your ruler) along with Mars (action), Jupiter (good fortune), Uranus (surprises), the Sun (authority), and the new moon (opportunity) all crowded into the same small slice of the horoscope. The new moon on April 3 will make your current emphasis on money management very obvious.

Managing your money won't be easy or straightforward, and I say that because of the plethora of scrambled messages the planets will be sending. Your best aspect involves Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, conjunct the moon (April 3) and Sun (April 6, but April 5 is a better day to work with). Indeed, it's hard to beat Jupiter conjunct the Sun, for that's what I call the luckiest day of the year! Jupiter is the great benefic planet, known for bestowing extraordinary luck, often in the eleventh hour. Keep April 5 in mind - it's your best day of the month for good news of money luck!

To astrological enthusiasts, April 6 brings the moon to void of course all day, so April 5 will be Virgo's better day.

In the background, Mercury, your ruler, among the gang of planets in the eighth house, will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23. This means that there will be plenty of changes and switching around of funds. If you expected one client to send a purchase order or check, that client won't, but maybe another client will. It's a month where everything is pulling in various directions. You won't be able to get anything settled until month's end, but that doesn't mean you should just sit back and let things happen as they will. No, you will need to direct the energy of these planets as best you can by having many talks and meetings. Be present in all talks, and keep thinking of how you can maneuver things your way. You have Jupiter working with you, and with Jupiter, all things are possible. Everything else in your life will recede into the background - money matters will take first priority.

Jupiter will help you on April 11 when Mercury and Jupiter will combine forces. However, with Mercury retrograde at the time, it is a good time to have exploratory talks, but it will not be a day to sign any deals. You will get a second chance at this excellent aspect next month, when the same two planets combine in the same aspect, May 11. Don't jump the gun this month - waiting will pay off.

Mars will be in this same house of other people's money too, which shows just how focused you will be on money. This planet brings plenty of energy, but sometimes Mars can bring a number of high expenses. Mars will conjunct Uranus on the day of the new moon, April 3, which is a highly combustible aspect. An argument could break out over money, say, if you are having divorce talks about the division of property or you're dealing with other touchy subjects. Still, with Uranus you never really know what could come up, because Uranus brings whatever you would never imagine or expect, producing, at times, strange outcomes. You will need to stay cool on April 3.

I will say it again - thank goodness Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is in this house protecting you until June 4. This rare, once-in-12-year visit of Jupiter places a bodyguard next to you, should things unravel. Jupiter is the planet of all good luck, including miracles, so keep that thought in mind. You will have him to yourself when you need him most.

As if the aspects weren't wild enough, you will have Saturn opposite all the planets in the eighth house, aiming his guns specifically at the Sun and new moon. This suggests you'll need to go through hoops to get the money you want to settle on this month, but you can measure up - it will just take effort. The investors / bank / other side is likely to be cost conscious, and they will demand much paperwork and backup from you.

With Mercury retrograde, if you ask for any sort of funding, line of credit, or mortgage, you may be forced to spend time redoing your application or business plan. I know this can be deflating to hear, but be of good cheer, dear Virgo. May will be a gorgeous month for you, where you will find everyone on your side. As a Virgo, you love the idea of creating polished presentations, and meticulous detail is your specialty. So go along with any changes higher-ups ask you to make. At the end of this, there appears to be a rainbow for you, so all your efforts will be rewarded.

At the full moon, April 17, you again will be thinking about money, and this time, you'll be writing a check of your own within four days of this date. In the United States, this will be tax day, so perhaps you will be sending a check to the government or receiving one. This full moon is not as laden with crosscurrents like the new moon of April 3, so you will find this period a little easier to navigate. Saturn has been holding down your income, and this trend will continue until October 2012. After that, however, you will find it easier to command a substantially higher salary (or if self-employed, to see bigger profits), so this period is only temporary.

There is one other good money day that arrives after the full moon - April 22, which is when Venus will conjoin with Uranus, and you're likely to get some outstanding, unexpected good news about money. It won't emanate from a source you expect - it will be a total surprise!

Romantically, you have some gentle aspects to look forward to this month, and attached Virgos will have the edge. Venus will tour your house of established partnership from the end of March to April 21.

Also, on April 20, just prior to Venus' entry into Aries, the Sun and Neptune will conspire to make an enchanting evening for you. The Sun, by then, will be in your travel sector, so taking a trip with your one-and-only will be an excellent idea.

Next month you will have quite a glorious month, and foreign travel is very possible. You might want to think about taking a trip as you get deeper into April. You can't really buy air tickets when Mercury is retrograde because you would likely have to change your itinerary - and that could prove costly. But you can start to think about where you'd like to go!

One last thought before I leave you, dear Virgo. This month puts an extraordinary emphasis on money, but that emphasis could leak into your assessment of a new romantic partner. You seem to want your partner to be established and doing well financially, but your current state of mind may lead you to create too stringent criteria for your new love to meet. Money comes and money goes, but it does not ensure love. If you meet someone who does not make as much as you do, give him or her a chance. You don't want to overlook someone who is capable of being an ideal love just because his or her present bank account isn't quite where you had hoped it to be.

Your most romantic dates include: April 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, and 27.


April will find you consumed with thoughts about money, and it looks like you'll be managing a very large windfall. No less than six heavenly bodies will stack up in Aries in your eighth house of other people's money. Included in this crowd of heavenly bodies will be Uranus (surprise), Mars (action), Jupiter (good fortune), Mercury (news), the Sun (authority), and new moon, April 3 (opportunity). Planets in Aries often point to new business ventures, so you may have an idea that gets funded.

Jupiter conjunct the Sun on April 6 is sure to be generous. You may receive a huge influx of venture capital, a bank loan, a court award, large tax refund, inheritance, divorce agreement, a prize winning, or other chunk of cash that suddenly is sent to you in one large lump. You might as well buy a few charity raffle tickets now that you have such an extraordinarily lucky chart for money.

Still, Saturn's position suggests you will be concerned about enormous responsibilities of managing such a large sum. You may want to consult a financial advisor who has been recommended by a friend or relative. If the sum is as large as it could be, you will need to get several names and interview all the experts.

The eighth house is also associated with transformation and healing, so if you are in need of surgery, this lineup of planets may indicate that you would choose to schedule an important operation or other procedure, and it would likely be covered by insurance, explaining the influx of cash to help you pay for it. Good!

By the full moon, April 17, you'll write a major check to a company, individual, or the government to settle accounts. (Because all full moons have an area of influence of four days, April 18 (tax day in the USA) is close enough!) All sorts of personal financial decisions will be made at this time. Within days of this date, the heavy-duty emphasis on money will calm down.

In matters of the heart, you have Venus in your house of marriage and committed partnerships from the start of the month until April 20, so love will be in the air, and you'll be feeling very affectionate. With Saturn opposed to the Sun on April 3, however, being overworked could harm a relationship - especially a new one - so don't socialize if you are just too tired to do so.

One of your favorite days, if attached, will be April 20, as the Sun and Neptune will be beautifully cooperative, bringing glamour and elegance, just perfect for a truly enchanting evening for those attached.

Neptune's arrival in Pisces this month, to extend from April 4 to August 4, is big news, as Neptune has not been in this area since 1847-1862. This planet of inspiration and sentimentality will only give us a tiny preview of a much larger trend to start in earnest in 2012. It is sure to affect your marriage and committed partnerships by encouraging you to use new criteria in choosing a mate. When Neptune arrives in the sector ruling these matters next year, in February 2012, he will stay until 2026! If single, you may gradually gravitate toward those more spiritual and artistic than those you used to date.

In the meantime, another planet, Pluto, still in Capricorn since 2008, to stay until 2024, is helping you remake your social life from the inside out. If you have debilitating patterns you need to break, Pluto, in an once-in-a-lifetime transit to this area of your chart, will help you make that happen so that you can find the love you deserve.

Dates to Note for Virgo

The new moon in Aries April 3 is likely to bring a bounty of money your way, but you will feel a great responsibility to appropriate it properly.

Money luck will be high the day Jupiter conjuncts the Sun April 6.

You may want to buy a lotto ticket April 6, even though the money would come from other sources, not just prize winning.

More good financial and career news: April 11.

By the full moon, April 17, you will be writing checks and clearing accounts, with the government, credit cards, or others. Other signs will get extensions, not you!

Venus in Pisces from March 27 to April 21 will bring a warm glow to your relationship.

Mercury will be retrograde from March 30 to April 23.

A packed eighth house will make you super-affectionate. You'll want loving! Your most romantic date will be April 20, when Neptune sends the Sun a lovely vibration.

Neptune will tour your house of partnership from April 4 to August 4 and show you how dramatically the coming 14 years will be! You'll look for a softer, more spiritual, creative, and artistic mate.

Your most romantic dates: April 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, and 27.
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